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54 lines
1.9 KiB

{{- /*
This template is used to render an image representing a diagram.
It takes the following parameters:
* `name` (required): the file name without extension.
* `alt` (required): a textual replacement for the image, useful for
Other requirements for diagrams:
* They must be located in `/assets/diagrams`.
* They must be WebP images, with a `.webp` file extension.
* They must be rendered at a 200% scale.
Differences with loading a diagram as a regular markdown image:
* The diagram is lazy-loaded, which should speed up the loading of the spec.
* The dimensions of the diagram are added to the HTML, allowing the browser
to pre-allocate space before it is loaded.
* The diagram supports devices with high pixel density screens and a WebP
image is generated for the default resolution.
* A PNG fallback image is generated, for maximum browser compatibility.
*/ -}}
{{- $name := -}}
{{- $alt := .Params.alt -}}
{{- $path := printf "/diagrams/%s.webp" $name -}}
{{- with resources.Get $path -}}
{{- $highRes := . -}}
{{- /*
The high resolution image has a scale of 200% so we need to divide the
dimensions by 2 to get the real one.
*/ -}}
{{- $width := div $highRes.Width 2 | string -}}
{{- $height := div $highRes.Width 2 | string -}}
{{- /* Generate a low resolution WebP and a fallback PNG. */ -}}
{{- $lowRes := $highRes.Resize (printf "%sx webp drawing" $width) -}}
{{- $fallback := $highRes.Resize (printf "%sx png" $width) -}}
<source srcset="{{ $lowRes.RelPermalink }}, {{ $highRes.RelPermalink }} 2x" type="image/webp" />
<img src="{{ $fallback.RelPermalink }}" alt="{{ $alt }}" width="{{ $width }}" height="{{ $height }}" loading="lazy" />
{{- else -}}
{{- errorf "diagram %s not found" $path -}}
{{- end -}}