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Handles OpenAPI "Reference Objects".
Reference objects are JSON objects with a single property, `$ref` (and
optionally a `summary` and `description`). This partial resolves the reference
and returns the expanded object.
The input parameter is a dict with the following keys:
* `schema`: A schema object to check for $ref properties.
* `path`: The path of the schema file containing the (potential) ref; used for resolving
relative references.
* `root_schema`: The top-level schema which contains the potential ref; use for resolving `#/`
{{ $schema := .schema }}
{{ $path := .path }}
{{ $root_schema := .root_schema }}
{{ $ret := $schema }}
{{ $ref_value := index $schema "$ref"}}
{{ if $ref_value }}
{{/* Resolve the ref URI relative to the path of the schema file */}}
{{ $base_uri := urls.Parse $path }}
{{ $ref_uri := urls.Parse $ref_value }}
{{ $full_uri := $base_uri.ResolveReference $ref_uri }}
{{/* strip the extension, and the leading `/`, from the path */}}
{{ $full_path := strings.TrimPrefix "/" (replaceRE "\\.[^\\.]*$" "" $full_uri.Path) }}
{{ $pieces := split $full_path "/" }}
{{ $ret = index site.Data $pieces }}
{{ if $ref_uri.Fragment }}
> If a URI contains a fragment identifier, then the fragment should
> be resolved per the fragment resolution mechanism of the
> referenced document. If the representation of the referenced
> document is JSON or YAML, then the fragment identifier SHOULD be
> interpreted as a JSON-Pointer as per RFC6901.
RFC6901, in a nutshell, says the pointer is a series of keys
separated by `/`. We strip off the leading `/` and use the
subsequent keys as indexes.
{{ $keys := split (strings.TrimPrefix "/" $ref_uri.Fragment ) "/" }}
{{ $ret = index $ret $keys }}
{{ end }}
OpenAPI spec says that "summary" and "description" from the reference object override
the values from the referenced component.
{{ if isset $schema "summary" }}
{{ $ret = merge $ret (dict "summary" $schema.summary) }}
{{ end }}
{{ if isset $schema "description" }}
{{ $ret = merge $ret (dict "description" $schema.summary) }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ return $ret }}