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Finds and returns all nested objects, given a dict containing:
* `schema`: a JSON schema object
* `anchor_base`: a prefix to add to the HTML anchors generated for each object. If nil, no anchors are generated.
* `name`: optionally, a name to use for this object in error/warning messages. If left unset,
the object's `title` property is used (if present).
This template finds all nested objects inside `schema`.
Assumes that "resolve-refs" and "resolve-allof" has already been called on the
input schema.
Returns a pair [$updated_definition, $additional_objects], where:
$updated_definition: Largely the same as the provided `schema`, except for the addition of an `anchor` property
for any objects we decided to generate anchors for.
For objects, this is the same as the first entry in `$additional_objects`.
$additional_objects is an array of all the objects found. For each object, the following properties are returned:
* title
* properties
* required
* enum
* anchor: a string suitable for using as an html anchor for this object (if `anchor_base` was set, and the object has a title)
Note that the returned array may contain duplicate objects.
{{ $this_object := .schema }}
{{ $anchor_base := .anchor_base }}
{{ $additional_objects := slice }}
{{ $name := .name | default $this_object.title | default "<untitled object>" }}
{{ if eq $this_object.type "object" }}
{{/* give this object an anchor, if it has a name */}}
{{ if (and $anchor_base $this_object.title) }}
{{ $this_object = merge $this_object (dict "anchor" (printf "%s_%s" $anchor_base (anchorize $this_object.title))) }}
{{ end }}
Add any nested objects referenced in this object's `additionalProperties`
{{ if $this_object.additionalProperties }}
{{ if reflect.IsMap $this_object.additionalProperties }}
{{ $res := partial "get-additional-objects" (dict
"this_object" $this_object.additionalProperties
"anchor_base" $anchor_base
"name" (printf "%s.additional" $name)
) }}
{{/* appending an empty slice messes up the types and confuses go, so only do the append if $more_objects is non-empty */}}
{{ with $more_objects := index $res 1 }}
{{ $additional_objects = $additional_objects | append $more_objects }}
{{ end }}
{{/* update the object definition with any updates from the additional properties */}}
{{ $this_object = merge $this_object (dict "additionalProperties" (index $res 0)) }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
Add any nested objects referenced in this object's `properties`
{{ $updated_properties := dict }}
{{ range $key, $property := $}}
{{ $res := partial "get-additional-objects" (dict
"this_object" $property
"anchor_base" $anchor_base
"name" (printf "%s.%s" $name $key)
) }}
{{ with $more_objects := index $res 1 }}
{{ $additional_objects = $additional_objects | append $more_objects }}
{{ end }}
{{ $updated_properties = merge $updated_properties (dict $key (index $res 0)) }}
{{ end }}
{{/* update the object definition with any updates from the properties */}}
{{ $this_object = merge $this_object (dict "properties" $updated_properties) }}
Add the updated object to the front of the $additional_objects array
{{ $res := slice (partial "clean-object" $this_object) }}
{{ if $additional_objects }}
{{ $res = $res | append $additional_objects }}
{{ end }}
{{ $additional_objects = $res }}
{{ end }}
{{ if eq $this_object.type "array" }}
Add any nested objects referenced in this object's `items`
{{ if reflect.IsSlice $this_object.items}}
{{ range $idx, $item := $this_object.items }}
{{ $res := partial "get-additional-objects" (dict
"this_object" $item
"anchor_base" $anchor_base
"name" (printf "%s.items[%d]" $name $idx)
) }}
{{ with $more_objects := index $res 1 }}
{{ $additional_objects = $additional_objects | append $more_objects }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ else if reflect.IsMap $this_object.items}}
{{ $res := partial "get-additional-objects" (dict
"this_object" $this_object.items
"anchor_base" $anchor_base
"name" (printf "%s.items" $name)
) }}
{{ with $more_objects := index $res 1 }}
{{ $additional_objects = $additional_objects | append $more_objects }}
{{ end }}
{{ $this_object = merge $this_object (dict "items" (index $res 0)) }}
{{ else }}
{{ errorf "%s is defined as an 'array' but lacks a valid 'items'" $name }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ return slice $this_object $additional_objects }}
This actually makes the recursive call, and returns the new objects
{{ define "partials/get-additional-objects" }}
{{/* .name is the name of the object for logging purposes */}}
{{ $name := .name }}
{{ if not (reflect.IsMap .this_object) }}
{{ errorf "Invalid call to partials/get-additional-objects: %s is not a map" $name .this_object }}
{{ end }}
/* although we expect resolve-allof to be called on the input, resolve-allof does not recurse into
* nested objects, so we have to call it again.
{{ $this_object := partial "json-schema/resolve-allof" .this_object }}
{{ $more_objects := partial "json-schema/resolve-additional-types" (dict "schema" $this_object "anchor_base" .anchor_base "name" $name) }}
{{ return $more_objects }}
{{ end }}
Only copy the bits of the object that we actually care about.
This is needed for uniqify to work - otherwise objects that are the same
but with (for example) different examples will be considered different.
{{ define "partials/clean-object" }}
{{ return (dict "title" .title "properties" .properties "required" .required "enum" .enum "anchor" .anchor) }}
{{ end }}