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96 lines
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96 lines
3.0 KiB
Render a single HTTP API operation: that is, a method+endpoint combination, given:
* `method`: the method, e.g. GET, PUT
* `endpoint`: the endpoint
* `operation_data`: the OpenAPI data for the operation
* `anchor_base`: an optional prefix for the HTML IDs generated by
this template.
This template renders the operation as a `<section>` containing:
* an `<h1>` heading containing the method and endpoint
* a `<details>` element containing the details, including:
* operation description
* basic info about the operation
* request details
* response details
{{ $method := .method }}
{{ $endpoint := .endpoint }}
{{ $operation_data := .operation_data }}
{{ $anchor := "" }}
{{ if .anchor_base }}
{{ $anchor = printf "%s_" .anchor_base }}
{{ end }}
{{ $anchor = printf "%s%s%s" $anchor (lower $method) (anchorize $endpoint) }}
<section class="rendered-data">
<details {{ if not site.Params.ui.rendered_data_collapsed }}open{{ end }}>
<h1 id="{{ $anchor }}">
<span class="http-api-method">{{ $method }}</span>
<span class="endpoint{{ if $operation_data.deprecated }} deprecated-inline{{ end }}">{{ $endpoint }}</span>
{{ template "_default/_markup/td-heading-self-link.html" $anchor }}
{{ if $operation_data.deprecated }}
{{ partial "alert" (dict "type" "warning" "omit_title" "true" "content" "This API is deprecated and will be removed from a future release.") }}
{{ end }}
{{ if (index $operation_data "x-addedInMatrixVersion") }}
{{ partial "added-in" (dict "v" (index $operation_data "x-addedInMatrixVersion")) }}
{{ end }}
{{ if (index $operation_data "x-changedInMatrixVersion") }}
{{ partial "changed-in" (dict "changes_dict" (index $operation_data "x-changedInMatrixVersion")) }}
{{ end -}}
{{ $operation_data.description | page.RenderString (dict "display" "block") }}
<table class="basic-info">
{{ $rate_limited := index $operation_data.responses "429" }}
<td>{{ if $rate_limited }}Yes{{ else }}No{{ end }}</td>
<th>Requires authentication:</th>
Authentication is defined with the `security` key. We assume that the
key is not set if no authentication is necessary. If the key is set,
authentication is required unless it contains an item that is an empty
{{ $requires_authentication := "Yes" }}
{{ if $ }}
{{ range $ }}
{{ if eq (len (index $ 0)) 0 }}
{{ $requires_authentication = "Optional" }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{ $requires_authentication = "No" }}
{{ end }}
<td>{{ $requires_authentication }}</td>
{{ partial "openapi/render-request" (dict "parameters" $operation_data.parameters "request_body" $operation_data.requestBody "anchor_base" $anchor ) }}
{{ partial "openapi/render-responses" (dict "responses" $operation_data.responses "anchor_base" $anchor ) }}