# Copyright 2018 New Vector Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. type: object title: Unsigned Persistent Data Unit description: An unsigned persistent data unit (event) example: $ref: "../examples/unsigned_pdu.json" properties: event_id: type: string description: The event ID for the PDU. example: "$a4ecee13e2accdadf56c1025:example.com" room_id: type: string description: Room identifier. example: "!abc123:matrix.org" sender: type: string description: The ID of the user sending the event. example: "@someone:matrix.org" origin: type: string description: The ``server_name`` of the homeserver that created this event. example: "matrix.org" origin_server_ts: type: integer format: int64 description: Timestamp in milliseconds on origin homeserver when this event was created. example: 1234567890 type: type: string description: Event type example: "m.room.message" state_key: type: string description: |- If this key is present, the event is a state event, and it will replace previous events with the same ``type`` and ``state_key`` in the room state. example: "my_key" content: type: object description: The content of the event. example: {"key": "value"} prev_events: type: array description: |- Event IDs and hashes of the most recent events in the room that the homeserver was aware of when it made this event. items: type: array maxItems: 2 minItems: 2 items: - type: string title: Event ID example: "$abc123:matrix.org" - type: object title: Event Hash example: { "sha256": "abase64encodedsha256hashshouldbe43byteslong" } properties: sha256: type: string description: The event hash. example: abase64encodedsha256hashshouldbe43byteslong required: ['sha256'] depth: type: integer description: The maximum depth of the ``prev_events``, plus one. example: 12 auth_events: type: array description: Event IDs and hashes for the "auth events" of this event. items: type: array maxItems: 2 minItems: 2 items: - type: string title: Event ID example: "$abc123:matrix.org" - type: object title: Event Hash example: { "sha256": "abase64encodedsha256hashshouldbe43byteslong" } properties: sha256: type: string description: The event hash. example: abase64encodedsha256hashshouldbe43byteslong required: ['sha256'] redacts: type: string description: For redaction events, the ID of the event being redacted. example: "$def456:matrix.org" unsigned: type: object description: Additional data added by the origin server but not covered by the ``signatures``. example: {"key": "value"} required: - event_id - room_id - sender - origin - origin_server_ts - type - content - prev_events - depth - auth_events