Typing Notifications -------------------- Client APIs ~~~~~~~~~~~ To set "I am typing for the next N msec":: PUT .../rooms//typing/ Content: { "typing": true, "timeout": N } # timeout is in milliseconds; suggested no more than 20 or 30 seconds This should be re-sent by the client to continue informing the server the user is still typing; a safety margin of 5 seconds before the expected timeout runs out is recommended. Just keep declaring a new timeout, it will replace the old one. To set "I am no longer typing":: PUT ../rooms//typing/ Content: { "typing": false } Client Events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All room members will receive an event on the event stream:: { "type": "m.typing", "room_id": "!room-id-here:matrix.org", "content": { "user_ids": ["list of", "every user", "who is", "currently typing"] } } The client must use this list to *REPLACE* its knowledge of every user who is currently typing. The reason for this is that the server DOES NOT remember users who are not currently typing, as that list gets big quickly. The client should mark as not typing, any user ID who is not in that list. Server APIs ~~~~~~~~~~~ Servers will emit EDUs in the following form:: { "type": "m.typing", "content": { "room_id": "!room-id-here:matrix.org", "user_id": "@user-id-here:matrix.org", "typing": true/false } } Server EDUs don't (currently) contain timing information; it is up to originating HSes to ensure they eventually send "stop" notifications. .. TODO ((This will eventually need addressing, as part of the wider typing/presence timer addition work))