--- layout: project title: journal description: A web client for writing news stories, personal blogs and more, built on matrix. categories: projects client author: Luke Bernard maturity: Early beta --- # {{ page.title }} A web client for writing news stories, personal blogs and more, built on matrix. Formally known as `j`. ![image](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/86738201a4ebcb15f9254e6438524e8cc0b50d9b/68747470733a2f2f6d61747269782e6f72672f5f6d61747269782f6d656469612f76312f646f776e6c6f61642f6d61747269782e6f72672f7a4b42724c74646c5a6e7471766352735864545755446c7a) Check it out from [Luke's GitHub repo](https://github.com/lukebarnard1/journal).