Application Services ==================== This file contains examples of some application service IRC Bridge ---------- Pre-conditions: - Server admin stores the AS token "T_a" on the home server. - Home server has a token "T_h". - Home server has the domain "" 1. Application service registration :: AS -> HS: Registers itself with the home server POST /register { url: "", as_token: "T_a", namespaces: { users: [ { "exclusive": true, "regex": "@irc\.freenode\.net/.*" } ], aliases: [ { "exclusive": true, "regex": "#irc\.freenode\.net/.*" } ] } } Returns 200 OK: { hs_token: "T_h" } 2. IRC user "Bob" says "hello?" on "#matrix" at timestamp 1421416883133: :: - AS stores message as potential scrollback. - Nothing happens as no Matrix users are in the room. 3. Matrix user "" wants to join "#matrix": :: User -> HS: Request to join "" HS -> AS: Room Query "" GET /rooms/ [Starts blocking] AS -> HS: Creates room. Gets room ID "!". AS -> HS: Sets room name to "#matrix". AS -> HS: Sends message as """ PUT /rooms/ ?access_token=T_a & &ts=1421416883133 { body: "hello?" msgtype: "m.text" } HS -> AS: User Query "" GET /users/ [Starts blocking] AS -> HS: Creates user using CS API extension. POST /register?access_token=T_a { type: "m.login.application_service", user: "" } AS -> HS: Set user display name to "Bob". [Finishes blocking] [Finished blocking] - HS sends room information back to client. 4. says "hi!" in this room: :: User -> HS: Send message "hi!" in room ! - HS sends message. - HS sees the room ID is in the AS namespace and pushes it to the AS. HS -> AS: Push event PUT /transactions/1?access_token=T_h { events: [ { content: { body: "hi!", msgtype: "m.text" }, origin_server_ts: , user_id: "", room_id: "!", type: "" } ] } - AS passes this through to IRC. 5. IRC user "Bob" says "what's up?" on "#matrix" at timestamp 1421418084816: :: IRC -> AS: "what's up?" AS -> HS: Send message via CS API extension PUT /rooms/ ?access_token=T_a & &ts=1421418084816 { body: "what's up?" msgtype: "m.text" } - HS modifies the user_id and origin_server_ts on the event and sends it.