# Copyright 2016 OpenMarket Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. openapi: 3.1.0 info: title: Matrix Client-Server Rooms API version: 1.0.0 paths: "/rooms/{roomId}/messages": get: summary: Get a list of events for this room description: |- This API returns a list of message and state events for a room. It uses pagination query parameters to paginate history in the room. *Note*: This endpoint supports lazy-loading of room member events. See [Lazy-loading room members](/client-server-api/#lazy-loading-room-members) for more information. operationId: getRoomEvents security: - accessToken: [] parameters: - in: path name: roomId description: The room to get events from. required: true example: "!636q39766251:example.com" schema: type: string - in: query name: from x-changedInMatrixVersion: "1.3": | Previously, this field was required and paginating from the first or last visible event in the room history wasn't supported. description: |- The token to start returning events from. This token can be obtained from a `prev_batch` or `next_batch` token returned by the `/sync` endpoint, or from an `end` token returned by a previous request to this endpoint. This endpoint can also accept a value returned as a `start` token by a previous request to this endpoint, though servers are not required to support this. Clients should not rely on the behaviour. If it is not provided, the homeserver shall return a list of messages from the first or last (per the value of the `dir` parameter) visible event in the room history for the requesting user. required: false example: s345_678_333 schema: type: string - in: query name: to description: |- The token to stop returning events at. This token can be obtained from a `prev_batch` or `next_batch` token returned by the `/sync` endpoint, or from an `end` token returned by a previous request to this endpoint. required: false schema: type: string - in: query name: dir description: |- The direction to return events from. If this is set to `f`, events will be returned in chronological order starting at `from`. If it is set to `b`, events will be returned in *reverse* chronological order, again starting at `from`. required: true example: b schema: type: string enum: - b - f - in: query name: limit description: "The maximum number of events to return. Default: 10." example: 3 schema: type: integer - in: query name: filter description: A JSON RoomEventFilter to filter returned events with. example: '{"contains_url":true}' schema: type: string responses: "200": description: A list of messages with a new token to request more. content: application/json: schema: type: object description: A list of messages with a new token to request more. properties: start: type: string description: |- A token corresponding to the start of `chunk`. This will be the same as the value given in `from`. end: type: string description: |- A token corresponding to the end of `chunk`. This token can be passed back to this endpoint to request further events. If no further events are available (either because we have reached the start of the timeline, or because the user does not have permission to see any more events), this property is omitted from the response. chunk: type: array description: |- A list of room events. The order depends on the `dir` parameter. For `dir=b` events will be in reverse-chronological order, for `dir=f` in chronological order. (The exact definition of `chronological` is dependent on the server implementation.) Note that an empty `chunk` does not *necessarily* imply that no more events are available. Clients should continue to paginate until no `end` property is returned. items: $ref: definitions/client_event.yaml state: type: array description: |- A list of state events relevant to showing the `chunk`. For example, if `lazy_load_members` is enabled in the filter then this may contain the membership events for the senders of events in the `chunk`. Unless `include_redundant_members` is `true`, the server may remove membership events which would have already been sent to the client in prior calls to this endpoint, assuming the membership of those members has not changed. items: $ref: definitions/client_event.yaml required: - start - chunk examples: response: value: { "start": "t47429-4392820_219380_26003_2265", "end": "t47409-4357353_219380_26003_2265", "chunk": [ { "room_id": "!636q39766251:example.com", "$ref": "../../event-schemas/examples/m.room.message$m.text.yaml" }, { "room_id": "!636q39766251:example.com", "$ref": "../../event-schemas/examples/m.room.name.yaml" }, { "room_id": "!636q39766251:example.com", "$ref": "../../event-schemas/examples/m.room.message$m.video.yaml" } ] } "403": description: | You aren't a member of the room. tags: - Room participation servers: - url: "{protocol}://{hostname}{basePath}" variables: protocol: enum: - http - https default: https hostname: default: localhost:8008 basePath: default: /_matrix/client/v3 components: securitySchemes: $ref: definitions/security.yaml