# MSC2765: Widget avatars Currently widgets have a name and title associated with them, though no opportunity for avatars for a favicon-like experience. This proposal introduces such a concept. ## Proposal A new optional paramater named `avatar_url` is added to the widget definition. This parameter is an MXC URI to an image clients can use to associate with the widget, likely alongside the `name` and/or `title`. Widget avatars SHOULD be legible at small sizes, such as 20x20. The MXC URI in the `avatar_url` should be the source material to allow clients to use the `/thumbnail` API to get a size for their use case. Rendering avatars is optional for clients, much like how clients are not required to use the `name` or `title` of a widget. An example widget would be: ```json { "creatorUserId": "@alice:example.org", "data": { "custom_key": "This is a custom key", "title": "This is a witty description for the widget" }, "id": "20200827_WidgetExample", "name": "My Cool Widget", "type": "m.custom", "url": "https://example.org/my/widget.html?roomId=$matrix_room_id", "waitForIframeLoad": true, "avatar_url": "mxc://example.org/abc123" } ``` ## Alternatives We could define a whole structured system for different thumbnail sizes, though we have a thumbnail API which can be used to request whatever size is needed by the client. ## Security considerations Widget avatars could be non-images. Clients should use the thumbnail API to encourage error responses from the server when a widget avatar is a non-image. ## Unstable prefix While this MSC is not in a released version of the specification, clients should use an alternative event type for widgets or use `org.matrix.msc2765.avatar_url` when using `m.widget` or `m.widgets` as an event type.