#!/bin/bash -e # Runs z-schema over all of the schema files (looking for matching examples) find schema/v1/m.* | while read line do split_path=(${line///// }) event_type=(${split_path[2]}) echo "Checking $event_type" echo "--------------------" # match exact name or exact name with a # find examples/v1 -name $event_type -o -name "$event_type#*" | while read exline do echo " against $exline" # run z-schema and dump stdout/err to the terminal (good for Jenkin's Console Output) and grep for fail messages if [[ -n $(z-schema schema/v1/$event_type $exline 2>&1 | tee /dev/tty | grep -Ei "error|failed") ]]; then echo " Failed." exit 1 fi done done