""" Contains all the units for the spec. This file loads swagger and JSON schema files and parses out the useful bits and returns them as Units for use in Batesian. For the actual conversion of data -> RST (including templates), see the sections file instead. """ from batesian.units import Units import inspect import json import os import re import subprocess import urllib import yaml V1_CLIENT_API = "../api/client-server/v1" V1_EVENT_EXAMPLES = "../event-schemas/examples/v1" V1_EVENT_SCHEMA = "../event-schemas/schema/v1" CORE_EVENT_SCHEMA = "../event-schemas/schema/v1/core-event-schema" CHANGELOG = "../CHANGELOG.rst" TARGETS = "../specification/targets.yaml" ROOM_EVENT = "core-event-schema/room_event.json" STATE_EVENT = "core-event-schema/state_event.json" def get_json_schema_object_fields(obj, enforce_title=False): # Algorithm: # f.e. property => add field info (if field is object then recurse) if obj.get("type") != "object": raise Exception( "get_json_schema_object_fields: Object %s isn't an object." % obj ) if enforce_title and not obj.get("title"): raise Exception( "get_json_schema_object_fields: Nested object %s doesn't have a title." % obj ) required_keys = obj.get("required") if not required_keys: required_keys = [] fields = { "title": obj.get("title"), "rows": [] } tables = [fields] props = obj.get("properties", obj.get("patternProperties")) parents = obj.get("allOf") if not props and not parents: raise Exception( "Object %s has no properties or parents." % obj ) if not props: # parents only return [{ "title": obj["title"], "parent": parents[0]["$ref"], "no-table": True }] for key_name in sorted(props): value_type = None required = key_name in required_keys desc = props[key_name].get("description", "") if props[key_name]["type"] == "object": if props[key_name].get("additionalProperties"): # not "really" an object, just a KV store value_type = ( "{string: %s}" % props[key_name]["additionalProperties"]["type"] ) else: nested_object = get_json_schema_object_fields( props[key_name], enforce_title=True ) value_type = "{%s}" % nested_object[0]["title"] if not nested_object[0].get("no-table"): tables += nested_object elif props[key_name]["type"] == "array": # if the items of the array are objects then recurse if props[key_name]["items"]["type"] == "object": nested_object = get_json_schema_object_fields( props[key_name]["items"], enforce_title=True ) value_type = "[%s]" % nested_object[0]["title"] tables += nested_object else: value_type = "[%s]" % props[key_name]["items"]["type"] else: value_type = props[key_name]["type"] if props[key_name].get("enum"): if len(props[key_name].get("enum")) > 1: value_type = "enum" desc += ( " One of: %s" % json.dumps(props[key_name]["enum"]) ) else: desc += ( " Must be '%s'." % props[key_name]["enum"][0] ) if isinstance(value_type, list): value_type = " or ".join(value_type) fields["rows"].append({ "key": key_name, "type": value_type, "required": required, "desc": desc, "req_str": "**Required.** " if required else "" }) return tables class MatrixUnits(Units): def _load_swagger_meta(self, api, group_name): endpoints = [] for path in api["paths"]: for method in api["paths"][path]: single_api = api["paths"][path][method] full_path = api.get("basePath", "") + path endpoint = { "title": single_api.get("summary", ""), "desc": single_api.get("description", single_api.get("summary", "")), "method": method.upper(), "path": full_path, "requires_auth": "security" in single_api, "rate_limited": 429 in single_api.get("responses", {}), "req_params": [], "res_tables": [], "example": { "req": "", "responses": [], "good_response": "" } } self.log(" ------- Endpoint: %s %s ------- " % (method, path)) for param in single_api.get("parameters", []): # description desc = param.get("description", "") if param.get("required"): desc = "**Required.** " + desc # assign value expected for this param val_type = param.get("type") # integer/string if param.get("enum"): val_type = "enum" desc += ( " One of: %s" % json.dumps(param.get("enum")) ) refType = Units.prop(param, "schema/$ref/") # Error,Event schemaFmt = Units.prop(param, "schema/format") # bytes e.g. uploads if not val_type and refType: val_type = refType # TODO: Resolve to human-readable. if not val_type and schemaFmt: val_type = schemaFmt if val_type: endpoint["req_params"].append({ "key": param["name"], "loc": param["in"], "type": val_type, "desc": desc }) continue # If we're here, either the param has no value or it is an # object which we haven't $reffed (so probably just a json # object with some keys; we'll add entries f.e one) if "schema" not in param: raise Exception( ("API endpoint group=%s path=%s method=%s param=%s"+ " has no valid parameter value.") % ( group_name, path, method, param ) ) if Units.prop(param, "schema/type") != "object": raise Exception( ("API endpoint group=%s path=%s method=%s defines a"+ " param with a schema which isn't an object. Array?") % (group_name, path, method) ) # loop top-level json keys json_body = Units.prop(param, "schema/properties") for key in json_body: endpoint["req_params"].append({ "key": key, "loc": "JSON body", "type": json_body[key]["type"], "desc": json_body[key]["description"] }) # endfor[param] for row in endpoint["req_params"]: self.log("Request parameter: %s" % row) # group params by location to ease templating endpoint["req_param_by_loc"] = { # path: [...], query: [...], body: [...] } for p in endpoint["req_params"]: if p["loc"] not in endpoint["req_param_by_loc"]: endpoint["req_param_by_loc"][p["loc"]] = [] endpoint["req_param_by_loc"][p["loc"]].append(p) good_response = None for code, res in single_api.get("responses", {}).items(): if not good_response and code == 200: good_response = res description = res.get("description", "") example = res.get("examples", {}).get("application/json", "") if description and example: endpoint["example"]["responses"].append({ "code": code, "description": description, "example": example, }) # form example request if it has one. It "has one" if all params # have either "x-example" or a "schema" with an "example". params_missing_examples = [ p for p in single_api.get("parameters", []) if ( "x-example" not in p and not Units.prop(p, "schema/example") ) ] if len(params_missing_examples) == 0: path_template = api.get("basePath", "") + path qps = {} body = "" for param in single_api.get("parameters", []): if param["in"] == "path": path_template = path_template.replace( "{%s}" % param["name"], urllib.quote( param["x-example"] ) ) elif param["in"] == "body": body = param["schema"]["example"] elif param["in"] == "query": qps[param["name"]] = param["x-example"] query_string = "" if len(qps) == 0 else "?"+urllib.urlencode(qps) endpoint["example"]["req"] = "%s %s%s\n%s" % ( method.upper(), path_template, query_string, body ) else: self.log( "The following parameters are missing examples :( \n %s" % [ p["name"] for p in params_missing_examples ] ) # add response params if this API has any. if good_response: self.log("Found a 200 response for this API") res_type = Units.prop(good_response, "schema/type") res_name = Units.prop(good_response, "schema/name") if res_type and res_type not in ["object", "array"]: # response is a raw string or something like that good_table = { "title": None, "rows": [{ "key": "<" + res_type + ">" if not res_name else res_name, "type": res_type, "desc": res.get("description", ""), "req_str": "" }] } if good_response.get("headers"): for (header_name, header) in good_response.get("headers").iteritems(): good_table["rows"].append({ "key": header_name, "type": "Header<" + header["type"] + ">", "desc": header["description"], "req_str": "" }) endpoint["res_tables"].append(good_table) elif res_type and Units.prop(good_response, "schema/properties"): # response is an object: schema = good_response["schema"] res_tables = get_json_schema_object_fields(schema) for table in res_tables: if "no-table" not in table: endpoint["res_tables"].append(table) elif res_type and Units.prop(good_response, "schema/items"): # response is an array: # FIXME: Doesn't recurse at all. schema = good_response["schema"] array_type = Units.prop(schema, "items/type") if Units.prop(schema, "items/allOf"): array_type = ( Units.prop(schema, "items/title") ) endpoint["res_tables"].append({ "title": schema.get("title", ""), "rows": [{ "key": "N/A", "type": ("[%s]" % array_type), "desc": schema.get("description", ""), "req_str": "" }] }) for response_table in endpoint["res_tables"]: self.log("Response: %s" % response_table["title"]) for r in response_table["rows"]: self.log("Row: %s" % r) if len(endpoint["res_tables"]) == 0: self.log( "This API appears to have no response table. Are you " + "sure this API returns no parameters?" ) endpoints.append(endpoint) aliases = single_api.get("x-alias", None) if aliases: alias_link = aliases["canonical-link"] for alias in aliases["aliases"]: endpoints.append({ "method": method.upper(), "path": alias, "alias_for_path": full_path, "alias_link": alias_link }) return { "base": api.get("basePath"), "group": group_name, "endpoints": endpoints, } def load_swagger_apis(self): path = V1_CLIENT_API apis = {} for filename in os.listdir(path): if not filename.endswith(".yaml"): continue self.log("Reading swagger API: %s" % filename) with open(os.path.join(path, filename), "r") as f: # strip .yaml group_name = filename[:-5].replace("-", "_") api = yaml.load(f.read()) api["__meta"] = self._load_swagger_meta(api, group_name) apis[group_name] = api return apis def load_common_event_fields(self): path = CORE_EVENT_SCHEMA event_types = {} for (root, dirs, files) in os.walk(path): for filename in files: if not filename.endswith(".json"): continue event_type = filename[:-5] # strip the ".json" filepath = os.path.join(root, filename) with open(filepath) as f: try: event_info = json.load(f) except Exception as e: raise ValueError( "Error reading file %r" % (filepath,), e ) if "event" not in event_type: continue # filter ImageInfo and co table = { "title": event_info["title"], "desc": event_info["description"], "rows": [] } for prop in sorted(event_info["properties"]): row = { "key": prop, "type": event_info["properties"][prop]["type"], "desc": event_info["properties"][prop].get("description","") } table["rows"].append(row) event_types[event_type] = table return event_types def load_event_examples(self): path = V1_EVENT_EXAMPLES examples = {} for filename in os.listdir(path): if not filename.startswith("m."): continue with open(os.path.join(path, filename), "r") as f: examples[filename] = json.loads(f.read()) if filename == "m.room.message#m.text": examples["m.room.message"] = examples[filename] return examples def load_event_schemas(self): path = V1_EVENT_SCHEMA schemata = {} for filename in os.listdir(path): if not filename.startswith("m."): continue self.log("Reading %s" % os.path.join(path, filename)) with open(os.path.join(path, filename), "r") as f: json_schema = json.loads(f.read()) schema = { "typeof": None, "typeof_info": "", "type": None, "title": None, "desc": None, "msgtype": None, "content_fields": [ # { # title: "