{{/* This template is used to render an event. It takes the following parameters: * `event` (required): the name of a schema file under "data/event-schemas/schema". The file extension is omitted. For example: {{% event event="m.accepted_terms" %}} * `desired_example_name` (optional): the name of the example file to use under "data/event-schemas/examples", without the file extension. If omitted defaults to the example file with the same name as the `event` parameter, and (if the name does not contain a "$"), all examples that begin with the name given by the `event` parameter followed by a "$". For example, if the `event` parameter is "m.foo", then by default it will include the "m.foo" example along with any examples starting with "m.foo$". * `title` (optional): the title to use for the event. Defaults to the name given in the `event` parameter. This template replaces the old {{*_event}} template. */}} {{ $event_data := index .Site.Data "event-schemas" "schema" .Params.event }} {{ $path := delimit (slice "event-schemas/schema" .Params.event) "/" }} {{ $event_data = partial "json-schema/resolve-refs" (dict "schema" $event_data "path" $path) }} {{ $event_data := partial "json-schema/resolve-allof" $event_data }} {{ partial "events/render-event" (dict "event_name" .Params.event "event_data" $event_data "desired_example_name" .Params.desired_example_name "title" .Params.title)}}