{{/* Render the response part of a single HTTP API operation, given: * `responses`: OpenAPI/Swagger data specifying the responses * `path`: the path where this definition was found, to enable us to resolve "$ref" * `anchor_base`: a prefix to add to the HTML anchors generated for each object This template renders: * a summary of all the different responses * details of the body for each response code * body parameters, which may be more complex, containing nested objects * response body examples */}} {{ $responses := .responses }} {{ $path := .path }} {{ $anchor_base := .anchor_base }}


{{ range $code, $response := $responses }} {{ end }}
Status Description
{{ $code }} {{ $response.description | markdownify }}
{{ range $code, $response := $responses }} {{/* A response can have several content types so only insert the title once. */}} {{ $is_title_set := false }} {{ range $content_type, $content := $response.content }} {{ if $content.schema }} {{ if not $is_title_set }} {{ $is_title_set = true }}

{{$code}} response

{{ end }} {{ $schema := partial "json-schema/resolve-refs" (dict "schema" $content.schema "path" $path) }} {{ $schema := partial "json-schema/resolve-allof" $schema }} {{/* All this is to work out how to express the content of the response in the case where it is an array. */}} {{ if eq $schema.type "array" }} {{ $type_of := "" }} {{ if $schema.items.anyOf }} {{ $types := slice }} {{ range $schema.items.anyOf }} {{ if .title }} {{ $types = $types | append .title}} {{ else }} {{ $types = $types | append .type }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ $type_of = delimit $types ", "}} {{ else }} {{ $type_of = $schema.items.title }} {{ end }}

Array of {{ $type_of }}.

{{ end }} {{/* render object tables for any objects referenced in the response. (This will be a no-op for response types which aren't objects or arrays.) */}} {{ $additional_types := partial "json-schema/resolve-additional-types" (dict "schema" $schema "anchor_base" $anchor_base) }} {{ $additional_types = uniq $additional_types }} {{ range $additional_types }} {{ partial "openapi/render-object-table" . }} {{ end }} {{/* render an example. currently this is only supported for arrays and objects. */}} {{ if or (eq $schema.type "object") (eq $schema.type "array") }} {{ $example := partial "json-schema/resolve-example" $schema }} {{ if $content.examples }} {{ $example = partial "json-schema/resolve-refs" (dict "schema" $content.examples "path" $path) }} {{ $example = $example.response.value }} {{ end }} {{ $example_json := jsonify (dict "indent" " ") $example }} {{ $example_json = replace $example_json "\\u003c" "<" }} {{ $example_json = replace $example_json "\\u003e" ">" | safeHTML }} ```json {{ $example_json }} ``` {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ end }}