When validating event signatures, servers MUST enforce the `valid_until_ts` property from a key request is at least as large as the `origin_server_ts` for the event being validated. Servers missing a copy of the signing key MUST try to obtain one via the [GET /\_matrix/key/v2/server](/server-server-api#get_matrixkeyv2server) or [POST /\_matrix/key/v2/query](/server-server-api#post_matrixkeyv2query) APIs. When using the `/query` endpoint, servers MUST set the `minimum_valid_until_ts` property to prompt the notary server to attempt to refresh the key if appropriate. Servers MUST use the lesser of `valid_until_ts` and 7 days into the future when determining if a key is valid. This is to avoid a situation where an attacker publishes a key which is valid for a significant amount of time without a way for the homeserver owner to revoke it.