# Copyright 2019-2020 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. openapi: 3.1.0 info: title: Matrix Client-Server Key Backup API version: 1.0.0 paths: /room_keys/version: post: x-addedInMatrixVersion: "1.1" summary: Create a new backup. description: Creates a new backup. operationId: postRoomKeysVersion security: - accessTokenQuery: [] - accessTokenBearer: [] requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: algorithm: description: The algorithm used for storing backups. type: string enum: - m.megolm_backup.v1.curve25519-aes-sha2 example: m.megolm_backup.v1.curve25519-aes-sha2 auth_data: description: |- Algorithm-dependent data. See the documentation for the backup algorithms in [Server-side key backups](/client-server-api/#server-side-key-backups) for more information on the expected format of the data. type: object example: public_key: abcdefg signatures: "@alice:example.org": ed25519:deviceid: signature required: - algorithm - auth_data description: The backup configuration. required: true responses: "200": description: The version id of the new backup. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: version: type: string description: The backup version. This is an opaque string. example: "1" required: - version "429": description: This request was rate-limited. content: application/json: schema: $ref: definitions/errors/rate_limited.yaml tags: - End-to-end encryption get: x-addedInMatrixVersion: "1.1" summary: Get information about the latest backup version. description: Get information about the latest backup version. operationId: getRoomKeysVersionCurrent security: - accessTokenQuery: [] - accessTokenBearer: [] responses: "200": description: The information about the backup. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: algorithm: type: string description: The algorithm used for storing backups. enum: - m.megolm_backup.v1.curve25519-aes-sha2 example: m.megolm_backup.v1.curve25519-aes-sha2 auth_data: description: |- Algorithm-dependent data. See the documentation for the backup algorithms in [Server-side key backups](/client-server-api/#server-side-key-backups) for more information on the expected format of the data. type: object example: public_key: abcdefg signatures: "@alice:example.org": ed25519:deviceid: signature count: description: The number of keys stored in the backup. type: integer example: 42 etag: description: |- An opaque string representing stored keys in the backup. Clients can compare it with the `etag` value they received in the request of their last key storage request. If not equal, another client has modified the backup. type: string example: anopaquestring version: type: string description: The backup version. example: "1" required: - algorithm - auth_data - count - etag - version "404": description: No backup exists. content: application/json: schema: $ref: definitions/errors/error.yaml examples: response: value: { "errcode": "M_NOT_FOUND", "error": "No current backup version" } "429": description: This request was rate-limited. content: application/json: schema: $ref: definitions/errors/rate_limited.yaml tags: - End-to-end encryption "/room_keys/version/{version}": get: x-addedInMatrixVersion: "1.1" summary: Get information about an existing backup. description: Get information about an existing backup. operationId: getRoomKeysVersion security: - accessTokenQuery: [] - accessTokenBearer: [] parameters: - in: path name: version description: |- The backup version to get, as returned in the `version` parameter of the response in [`POST /_matrix/client/v3/room_keys/version`](/client-server-api/#post_matrixclientv3room_keysversion) or this endpoint. required: true example: "1" schema: type: string responses: "200": description: The information about the requested backup. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: algorithm: type: string description: The algorithm used for storing backups. enum: - m.megolm_backup.v1.curve25519-aes-sha2 example: m.megolm_backup.v1.curve25519-aes-sha2 auth_data: description: |- Algorithm-dependent data. See the documentation for the backup algorithms in [Server-side key backups](/client-server-api/#server-side-key-backups) for more information on the expected format of the data. type: object example: public_key: abcdefg signatures: "@alice:example.org": ed25519:deviceid: signature count: description: The number of keys stored in the backup. type: integer example: 42 etag: description: |- An opaque string representing stored keys in the backup. Clients can compare it with the `etag` value they received in the request of their last key storage request. If not equal, another client has modified the backup. type: string example: anopaquestring version: type: string description: The backup version. example: "1" required: - algorithm - auth_data - count - etag - version "404": description: The backup specified does not exist. content: application/json: schema: $ref: definitions/errors/error.yaml examples: response: value: { "errcode": "M_NOT_FOUND", "error": "Unknown backup version" } "429": description: This request was rate-limited. content: application/json: schema: $ref: definitions/errors/rate_limited.yaml tags: - End-to-end encryption put: x-addedInMatrixVersion: "1.1" summary: Update information about an existing backup. description: Update information about an existing backup. Only `auth_data` can be modified. operationId: putRoomKeysVersion security: - accessTokenQuery: [] - accessTokenBearer: [] parameters: - in: path name: version description: |- The backup version to update, as returned in the `version` parameter in the response of [`POST /_matrix/client/v3/room_keys/version`](/client-server-api/#post_matrixclientv3room_keysversion) or [`GET /_matrix/client/v3/room_keys/version/{version}`](/client-server-api/#get_matrixclientv3room_keysversionversion). required: true example: "1" schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: algorithm: description: |- The algorithm used for storing backups. Must be the same as the algorithm currently used by the backup. type: string enum: - m.megolm_backup.v1.curve25519-aes-sha2 example: m.megolm_backup.v1.curve25519-aes-sha2 auth_data: description: |- Algorithm-dependent data. See the documentation for the backup algorithms in [Server-side key backups](/client-server-api/#server-side-key-backups) for more information on the expected format of the data. type: object example: public_key: abcdefg signatures: "@alice:example.org": ed25519:deviceid: signature version: description: |- The backup version. If present, must be the same as the version in the path parameter. type: string example: "1" required: - algorithm - auth_data description: The backup configuration required: true responses: "200": description: The update succeeded. content: application/json: schema: type: object examples: response: value: {} "400": description: |- A parameter was incorrect. For example, the `algorithm` does not match the current backup algorithm, or the `version` in the body does not match the `version` in the path. content: application/json: schema: $ref: definitions/errors/error.yaml examples: response: value: { "errcode": "M_INVALID_PARAM", "error": "Algorithm does not match" } "404": description: The backup specified does not exist. content: application/json: schema: $ref: definitions/errors/error.yaml examples: response: value: { "errcode": "M_NOT_FOUND", "error": "Unknown backup version" } "429": description: This request was rate-limited. content: application/json: schema: $ref: definitions/errors/rate_limited.yaml tags: - End-to-end encryption delete: x-addedInMatrixVersion: "1.1" summary: Delete an existing key backup. description: |- Delete an existing key backup. Both the information about the backup, as well as all key data related to the backup will be deleted. operationId: deleteRoomKeysVersion security: - accessTokenQuery: [] - accessTokenBearer: [] parameters: - in: path name: version description: |- The backup version to delete, as returned in the `version` parameter in the response of [`POST /_matrix/client/v3/room_keys/version`](/client-server-api/#post_matrixclientv3room_keysversion) or [`GET /_matrix/client/v3/room_keys/version/{version}`](/client-server-api/#get_matrixclientv3room_keysversionversion). required: true example: "1" schema: type: string responses: "200": description: |- The delete succeeded, or the specified backup was previously deleted. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: {} "404": description: |- The backup specified does not exist. If the backup was previously deleted, the call should succeed rather than returning an error. content: application/json: schema: $ref: definitions/errors/error.yaml examples: response: value: { "errcode": "M_NOT_FOUND", "error": "Unknown backup version" } "429": description: This request was rate-limited. content: application/json: schema: $ref: definitions/errors/rate_limited.yaml tags: - End-to-end encryption "/room_keys/keys/{roomId}/{sessionId}": put: x-addedInMatrixVersion: "1.1" summary: Store a key in the backup. description: Store a key in the backup. operationId: putRoomKeyBySessionId security: - accessTokenQuery: [] - accessTokenBearer: [] parameters: - in: query name: version description: The backup in which to store the key. Must be the current backup. required: true example: "1" schema: type: string - in: path name: roomId description: The ID of the room that the key is for. required: true example: "!roomid:example.org" schema: type: string - in: path name: sessionId description: The ID of the megolm session that the key is for. required: true example: sessionid schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: definitions/key_backup_data.yaml description: The key data. required: true responses: "200": description: The update succeeded. content: application/json: schema: type: object title: RoomKeysUpdateResponse properties: etag: description: |- The new etag value representing stored keys in the backup. See `GET /room_keys/version/{version}` for more details. type: string example: abcdefg count: description: The number of keys stored in the backup type: integer example: 10 required: - etag - count "403": description: |- The version specified does not match the current backup version. The current version will be included in the `current_version` field. content: application/json: schema: $ref: definitions/errors/error.yaml examples: response: value: { "errcode": "M_WRONG_ROOM_KEYS_VERSION", "error": "Wrong backup version.", "current_version": "42" } "429": description: This request was rate-limited. content: application/json: schema: $ref: definitions/errors/rate_limited.yaml tags: - End-to-end encryption get: x-addedInMatrixVersion: "1.1" summary: Retrieve a key from the backup. description: Retrieve a key from the backup. operationId: getRoomKeyBySessionId security: - accessTokenQuery: [] - accessTokenBearer: [] parameters: - in: query name: version description: The backup from which to retrieve the key. required: true example: "1" schema: type: string - in: path name: roomId description: The ID of the room that the requested key is for. required: true example: "!roomid:example.org" schema: type: string - in: path name: sessionId description: The ID of the megolm session whose key is requested. required: true example: sessionid schema: type: string responses: "200": description: The key data content: application/json: schema: $ref: definitions/key_backup_data.yaml "404": description: The key or backup was not found. content: application/json: schema: $ref: definitions/errors/error.yaml examples: response: value: { "errcode": "M_NOT_FOUND", "error": "Key not found." } "429": description: This request was rate-limited. content: application/json: schema: $ref: definitions/errors/rate_limited.yaml tags: - End-to-end encryption delete: x-addedInMatrixVersion: "1.1" summary: Delete a key from the backup. description: Delete a key from the backup. operationId: deleteRoomKeyBySessionId security: - accessTokenQuery: [] - accessTokenBearer: [] parameters: - in: query name: version description: The backup from which to delete the key required: true example: "1" schema: type: string - in: path name: roomId description: The ID of the room that the specified key is for. required: true example: "!roomid:example.org" schema: type: string - in: path name: sessionId description: The ID of the megolm session whose key is to be deleted. required: true example: sessionid schema: type: string responses: "200": description: The update succeeded content: application/json: schema: type: object title: RoomKeysUpdateResponse properties: etag: description: |- The new etag value representing stored keys in the backup. See `GET /room_keys/version/{version}` for more details. type: string example: abcdefg count: description: The number of keys stored in the backup type: integer example: 10 required: - etag - count "404": description: The backup was not found. content: application/json: schema: $ref: definitions/errors/error.yaml examples: response: value: { "errcode": "M_NOT_FOUND", "error": "Unknown backup version" } "429": description: This request was rate-limited. content: application/json: schema: $ref: definitions/errors/rate_limited.yaml tags: - End-to-end encryption "/room_keys/keys/{roomId}": put: x-addedInMatrixVersion: "1.1" summary: Store several keys in the backup for a given room. description: Store several keys in the backup for a given room. operationId: putRoomKeysByRoomId security: - accessTokenQuery: [] - accessTokenBearer: [] parameters: - in: query name: version description: The backup in which to store the keys. Must be the current backup. required: true example: "1" schema: type: string - in: path name: roomId description: The ID of the room that the keys are for. required: true example: "!roomid:example.org" schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: definitions/room_key_backup.yaml description: The backup data required: true responses: "200": description: The update succeeded content: application/json: schema: type: object title: RoomKeysUpdateResponse properties: etag: description: |- The new etag value representing stored keys in the backup. See `GET /room_keys/version/{version}` for more details. type: string example: abcdefg count: description: The number of keys stored in the backup type: integer example: 10 required: - etag - count "403": description: |- The version specified does not match the current backup version. The current version will be included in the `current_version` field. content: application/json: schema: $ref: definitions/errors/error.yaml examples: response: value: { "errcode": "M_WRONG_ROOM_KEYS_VERSION", "error": "Wrong backup version.", "current_version": "42" } "404": description: The backup was not found. content: application/json: schema: $ref: definitions/errors/error.yaml examples: response: value: { "errcode": "M_NOT_FOUND", "error": "Unknown backup version" } "429": description: This request was rate-limited. content: application/json: schema: $ref: definitions/errors/rate_limited.yaml tags: - End-to-end encryption get: x-addedInMatrixVersion: "1.1" summary: Retrieve the keys from the backup for a given room. description: Retrieve the keys from the backup for a given room. operationId: getRoomKeysByRoomId security: - accessTokenQuery: [] - accessTokenBearer: [] parameters: - in: query name: version description: The backup from which to retrieve the key. required: true example: "1" schema: type: string - in: path name: roomId description: The ID of the room that the requested key is for. required: true example: "!roomid:example.org" schema: type: string responses: "200": description: |- The key data. If no keys are found, then an object with an empty `sessions` property will be returned (`{"sessions": {}}`). content: application/json: schema: type: object $ref: definitions/room_key_backup.yaml "404": description: The backup was not found. content: application/json: schema: $ref: definitions/errors/error.yaml examples: response: value: { "errcode": "M_NOT_FOUND", "error": "Unknown backup version" } "429": description: This request was rate-limited. content: application/json: schema: $ref: definitions/errors/rate_limited.yaml tags: - End-to-end encryption delete: x-addedInMatrixVersion: "1.1" summary: Delete the keys from the backup for a given room. description: Delete the keys from the backup for a given room. operationId: deleteRoomKeysByRoomId security: - accessTokenQuery: [] - accessTokenBearer: [] parameters: - in: query name: version description: The backup from which to delete the key. required: true example: "1" schema: type: string - in: path name: roomId description: The ID of the room that the specified key is for. required: true example: "!roomid:example.org" schema: type: string responses: "200": description: The update succeeded content: application/json: schema: type: object title: RoomKeysUpdateResponse properties: etag: description: |- The new etag value representing stored keys in the backup. See `GET /room_keys/version/{version}` for more details. type: string example: abcdefg count: description: The number of keys stored in the backup type: integer example: 10 required: - etag - count "404": description: The backup was not found. content: application/json: schema: $ref: definitions/errors/error.yaml examples: response: value: { "errcode": "M_NOT_FOUND", "error": "Unknown backup version" } "429": description: This request was rate-limited. content: application/json: schema: $ref: definitions/errors/rate_limited.yaml tags: - End-to-end encryption /room_keys/keys: put: x-addedInMatrixVersion: "1.1" summary: Store several keys in the backup. description: Store several keys in the backup. operationId: putRoomKeys security: - accessTokenQuery: [] - accessTokenBearer: [] parameters: - in: query name: version description: The backup in which to store the keys. Must be the current backup. required: true example: "1" schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: rooms: type: object description: A map of room IDs to room key backup data. additionalProperties: $ref: definitions/room_key_backup.yaml example: "!room:example.org": sessions: sessionid1: first_message_index: 1 forwarded_count: 0 is_verified: true session_data: ephemeral: base64+ephemeral+key ciphertext: base64+ciphertext+of+JSON+data mac: base64+mac+of+ciphertext required: - rooms description: The backup data. required: true responses: "200": description: The update succeeded content: application/json: schema: type: object title: RoomKeysUpdateResponse properties: etag: description: |- The new etag value representing stored keys in the backup. See `GET /room_keys/version/{version}` for more details. type: string example: abcdefg count: description: The number of keys stored in the backup type: integer example: 10 required: - etag - count "403": description: |- The version specified does not match the current backup version. The current version will be included in the `current_version` field. content: application/json: schema: $ref: definitions/errors/error.yaml examples: response: value: { "errcode": "M_WRONG_ROOM_KEYS_VERSION", "error": "Wrong backup version.", "current_version": "42" } "404": description: The backup was not found. content: application/json: schema: $ref: definitions/errors/error.yaml examples: response: value: { "errcode": "M_NOT_FOUND", "error": "Unknown backup version" } "429": description: This request was rate-limited. content: application/json: schema: $ref: definitions/errors/rate_limited.yaml tags: - End-to-end encryption get: x-addedInMatrixVersion: "1.1" summary: Retrieve the keys from the backup. description: Retrieve the keys from the backup. operationId: getRoomKeys security: - accessTokenQuery: [] - accessTokenBearer: [] parameters: - in: query name: version description: The backup from which to retrieve the keys. required: true example: "1" schema: type: string responses: "200": description: |- The key data. If no keys are found, then an object with an empty `rooms` property will be returned (`{"rooms": {}}`). content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: rooms: type: object description: A map of room IDs to room key backup data. additionalProperties: $ref: definitions/room_key_backup.yaml example: "!room:example.org": sessions: sessionid1: first_message_index: 1 forwarded_count: 0 is_verified: true session_data: ephemeral: base64+ephemeral+key ciphertext: base64+ciphertext+of+JSON+data mac: base64+mac+of+ciphertext required: - rooms "404": description: The backup was not found. content: application/json: schema: $ref: definitions/errors/error.yaml examples: response: value: { "errcode": "M_NOT_FOUND", "error": "Unknown backup version." } "429": description: This request was rate-limited. content: application/json: schema: $ref: definitions/errors/rate_limited.yaml tags: - End-to-end encryption delete: x-addedInMatrixVersion: "1.1" summary: Delete the keys from the backup. description: Delete the keys from the backup. operationId: deleteRoomKeys security: - accessTokenQuery: [] - accessTokenBearer: [] parameters: - in: query name: version description: The backup from which to delete the key required: true example: "1" schema: type: string responses: "200": description: The update succeeded content: application/json: schema: type: object title: RoomKeysUpdateResponse properties: etag: description: |- The new etag value representing stored keys in the backup. See `GET /room_keys/version/{version}` for more details. type: string example: abcdefg count: description: The number of keys stored in the backup type: integer example: 10 required: - etag - count "404": description: The backup was not found. content: application/json: schema: $ref: definitions/errors/error.yaml examples: response: value: { "errcode": "M_NOT_FOUND", "error": "Unknown backup version" } "429": description: This request was rate-limited. content: application/json: schema: $ref: definitions/errors/rate_limited.yaml tags: - End-to-end encryption servers: - url: "{protocol}://{hostname}{basePath}" variables: protocol: enum: - http - https default: https hostname: default: localhost:8008 basePath: default: /_matrix/client/v3 components: securitySchemes: accessTokenQuery: $ref: definitions/security.yaml#/accessTokenQuery accessTokenBearer: $ref: definitions/security.yaml#/accessTokenBearer