.. Copyright 2019 New Vector Ltd .. .. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); .. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. .. You may obtain a copy of the License at .. .. http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .. .. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software .. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, .. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. .. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and .. limitations under the License. SSO-based client login ====================== .. _module:sso_login: Single Sign-On (SSO) is a generic web-based protocol for logging in users. This section is the more generic version of `CAS-based client login`_ and is applicable to a wider range of SSO protocols. An overview of the process, as used in Matrix, is as follows: 1. The Matrix client instructs the user's browser to navigate to the |/login/sso/redirect|_ endpoint on the user's homeserver. 2. The homeserver responds with an HTTP redirect to the SSO user interface, which the browser follows. 3. The SSO system authenticates the user. 4. The SSO server and the homeserver interact to verify the user's identity and other authentication information, potentially using a number of redirects. 7. The Matrix client receives the login token and passes it to the |/login|_ API. Client behaviour ---------------- The client starts the process by instructing the browser to navigate to |/login/sso/redirect|_ with an appropriate ``redirectUrl``. Once authentication is successful, the browser will be redirected to that ``redirectUrl``. .. TODO-spec Should we recommend some sort of CSRF protection here (specifically, we should guard against people accidentally logging in by sending them a link to ``/login/sso/redirect``. Maybe we should recommend that the ``redirectUrl`` should contain a CSRF token which the client should then check before sending the login token to ``/login``? {{sso_login_redirect_cs_http_api}} Server behaviour ---------------- The URI for the SSO system to be used should be configured on the server by the server administrator. The server is expected to set up any endpoints required to interact with that SSO system. Handling the redirect endpoint ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When responding to the ``/login/sso/redirect`` endpoint, the server must generate a URI for the SSO login page with any appropriate parameters. .. TODO-spec: It might be nice if the server did some validation of the ``redirectUrl`` parameter, so that we could check that aren't going to redirect to a non-TLS endpoint, and to give more meaningful errors in the case of faulty/poorly-configured clients. Handling the authentication endpoint ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once the homeserver has verified the user's identity with the SSO system, it MUST map the user ID to a valid `Matrix user identifier <../index.html#user-identifiers>`_. The guidance in `Mapping from other character sets <../index.html#mapping-from-other-character-sets>`_ may be useful. If the generated user identifier represents a new user, it should be registered as a new user. Finally, the server should generate a short-term login token. The generated token should be a macaroon, suitable for use with the ``m.login.token`` type of the |/login|_ API, and `token-based interactive login <#token-based>`_. The lifetime of this token SHOULD be limited to around five seconds. .. |/login| replace:: ``/login`` .. _/login: #post-matrix-client-%CLIENT_MAJOR_VERSION%-login .. |/login/sso/redirect| replace:: ``/login/sso/redirect`` .. _/login/sso/redirect: #get-matrix-client-%CLIENT_MAJOR_VERSION%-login-sso-redirect .. _`CAS-based client login`: #cas-based-client-login