{{/* A version of the sidebar-tree.html partial in Docsy, with a few small modifications: * include `div#toc` for the ToC * start the sidebar at the root (homepage) since for us that is the Matrix overview page */}} {{/* We cache this partial for bigger sites and set the active class client side. */}} {{ $shouldDelayActive := ge (len .Site.Pages) 2000 }}
{{ define "section-tree-nav-section" }} {{ $s := .section }} {{ $p := .page }} {{ $shouldDelayActive := .delayActive }} {{ $indent := .indent }} {{ $active := eq $p.RelPermalink $s.RelPermalink }} {{ $show := or ($p.IsAncestor $s) ($p.IsDescendant $s) }} {{ $sid := $s.RelPermalink | anchorize }} {{ end }}