"use strict"; /** * This Node script fetches MSC proposals and stores them in /data/msc, * so they can be used by a Hugo template to render summary tables of them * in the specification. * * In detail, it: * - fetches all GitHub issues from matrix-doc that have the `proposal` label * - groups them by their state in the MSC process * - does some light massaging of them so it's easier for the Hugo template to work with them * - store them at /data/msc */ // built-in modules const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); // third-party modules const fetch = require('node-fetch'); // We will write proposals into the /data/msc directory const outputDir = path.join(__dirname, "../data/msc"); /** * This defines the different proposal lifecycle states. * Each state has: * - `label`: a GitHub label used to identify issues in this state * - `title`: used for things like headings in renderings of the proposals */ const states = [ { label: "proposal-in-review", title: "Proposal In Review" }, { label: "proposed-final-comment-period", title: "Proposed Final Comment Period" }, { label: "final-comment-period", title: "Final Comment Period" }, { label: "finished-final-comment-period", title: "Finished Final Comment Period" }, { label: "spec-pr-missing", title: "Spec PR Missing" }, { label: "spec-pr-in-review", title: "Spec PR In Review" }, { label: "merged", title: "Merged" }, { label: "proposal-postponed", title: "Postponed" }, { label: "abandoned", title: "Abandoned" }, { label: "obsolete", title: "Obsolete" } ]; let issues = []; /** * Fetch all the MSC proposals from GitHub. * * GitHub only lets us fetch 100 items at a time, and it gives us a `link` * response header containing the URL for the next batch. * So we will keep fetching until the response doesn't contain the "next" link. */ async function getIssues() { /** * A pretty ugly function to get us the "next" link in the header if there * was one, or `null` otherwise. */ function getNextLink(header) { const links = header.split(","); for (const link of links) { const linkPieces = link.split(";"); if (linkPieces[1] == ` rel=\"next\"`) { const next = linkPieces[0].trim(); return next.substring(1, next.length-1); } } return null; } let pageLink = "https://api.github.com/repos/matrix-org/matrix-doc/issues?state=all&labels=proposal&per_page=100"; while (pageLink) { const response = await fetch(pageLink); const issuesForPage = await response.json(); issues = issues.concat(issuesForPage); const linkHeader = response.headers.get("link"); pageLink = getNextLink(linkHeader); } } getIssues().then(processIssues); /** * Rather than just store the complete issue, we'll extract * only the pieces we need. * We'll also do some transformation of the issues, jsut because * it's easier to do in JS than in the template. */ function getProposalFromIssue(issue) { /** * A helper function to fetch the contents of special * directives in the issue body. * Looks for a directive in the format: * `^${directiveName}: (.+?)$`, returning the matched * part or null if the directive wasn't found. */ function getDirective(directiveName, issue) { const re = new RegExp(`^${directiveName}: (.+?)$`, "m"); const found = issue.body?.match(re); return found? found[1]: null; } function getDocumentation(issue) { const found = getDirective("Documentation", issue); if (found) { return found.split(",").map(a => a.trim()); } else { return []; } } function getAuthors(issue) { const found = getDirective("Author", issue); if (found) { return found.split(",").map(a => a.trim().substr(1)); } else { return [`${issue.user.login}`]; } } function getShepherd(issue) { const found = getDirective("Shepherd", issue); if (found) { return found.substr(1); } else { return null; } } return { number: issue.number, url: issue.html_url, title: issue.title, created_at: issue.created_at.substr(0, 10), updated_at: issue.updated_at.substr(0, 10), authors: getAuthors(issue), shepherd: getShepherd(issue), documentation: getDocumentation(issue) } } /** * Returns the intersection of two arrays. */ function intersection(array1, array2) { return array1.filter(i => array2.includes(i)); } /** * Given all the GitHub issues with a "proposal" label: * - group issues by the state they are in, and for each group: * - extract the bits we need from each issue * - write the result under /data/msc */ function processIssues() { if (!fs.existsSync(outputDir)){ fs.mkdirSync(outputDir); } const output = []; // make a group of "work in progress" proposals, // which are identified by not having any of the state labels const stateLabels = states.map(s => s.label); const worksInProgress = issues.filter(issue => { const labelsForIssue = issue.labels.map(l => l.name); return intersection(labelsForIssue, stateLabels).length === 0; }); output.push({ title: "Work In Progress", label: "work-in-progress", proposals: worksInProgress.map(issue => getProposalFromIssue(issue)) }); // for each defined state for (const state of states) { // get the set of issues for that state const issuesForState = issues.filter(msc => { return msc.labels.some(l => l.name === state.label); }); // store it in /data output.push({ title: state.title, label: state.label, proposals: issuesForState.map(issue => getProposalFromIssue(issue)) }); } const outputData = JSON.stringify(output, null, '\t'); const outputFile = path.join(outputDir, `proposals.json`); fs.writeFileSync(outputFile, outputData); }