{{/* This template is used to render the fields that all basic events and room events must or may contain. It expects to be passed an `event_type` parameter, is the name of a file under /data/event-schemas/core-event-schema. The file extension is omitted. For example: {{% event-fields event_type="room_event" %}} This template replaces the old {{common_event_fields}} and {{common_room_event_fields}} templates. */}} {{ $event := index .Site.Data "event-schemas" "schema" "core-event-schema" .Params.event_type }} {{ $path := "event-schemas/schema/core-event-schema" }} {{ $event = partial "json-schema/resolve-refs" (dict "schema" $event "path" $path) }} {{ $event := partial "json-schema/resolve-allof" $event }}

{{ humanize $event.title }}

{{ $event.description | markdownify }}
{{ $event = merge $event (dict "title" "") }} {{ $additional_types := partial "json-schema/resolve-additional-types" (dict "schema" $event) }} {{ range $additional_types }} {{ partial "openapi/render-object-table" . }} {{end}}