{{/* Resolves the `allOf` keyword (https://swagger.io/specification/v2/#composition-and-inheritance-polymorphism), given a JSON schema object. `allOf` is used to support a kind of inheritance for JSON schema objects. An object can reference a "parent" object using `allOf`, and it then inherits its parent's properties. If the same property is present in the child, then we use the child's version (the child overrides the parent). Of course the parent can itself inherit from *its* parent, so we recurse to handle that. Note that `allOf` is only resolved at the top level of the schema object. For example, if you call this on an API definition which defines a `parameter` which has an allOf schema, it will not be resolved. To handle this, the openapi templates call resolve-allof for every schema object that they process. */}} {{ $ret := . }} {{ $original := . }} {{/* We special-case 'required', and accumulate the values from all the 'allOf' entries (rather than simply overriding them). Start the accumulation here. */}} {{ $required := .required }} {{ if not $required }} {{ $required := slice }} {{ end }} {{ with $ret.allOf }} {{/* construct a new dict, with each of the allOf entries merged into it in turn. */}} {{ $all_of_values := dict }} {{ range . }} {{ with .required }} {{ $required = union $required . }} {{ end }} {{/* With merge, values from the second argument override those from the first argument. So this order will accumulate values from allOf items, allowing later ones to override earlier Note also that `merge` does a *deep* merge - nested maps are also merged. (Slices are replaced though.) */}} {{ $all_of_values = merge $all_of_values . }} {{ end }} {{/* Finally, merge in the original, allowing the original to override allOf. */}} {{ $ret = merge $all_of_values $ret }} {{/* Except that if allOf *itself* contains allOf (ie, the parent also inherits from a grandparent), then we replace allOf in the original with that in the parent. Below, we see that this has happened, and recurse. TODO: surely it would be better to simply do the recursion as we iterate though the allOf list above - not least because we might have multiple parents with different grandparents, and by doing this we only get one set of grandparents. */}} {{ with $all_of_values.allOf }} {{ $ret = merge $ret (dict "allOf" . ) }} {{ end }} {{/* special-case 'required': replace it with the union of all the 'required' arrays from the original and allOf values. XXX: but first we merge in the original 'required', again? why do we do that? it should already have been done at the start. */}} {{ with $ret.required }} {{ $required = union $required $ret.required }} {{ end }} {{ $ret = merge $ret (dict "required" $required) }} {{ end }} {{/* If we replaced the 'allOf' dict with one from a grandparent, we now need to recurse. */}} {{ if ne $ret.allOf $original.allOf }} {{ $resolved := partial "json-schema/resolve-allof" $ret }} {{ $ret = merge $ret $resolved }} {{ end }} {{ return $ret }}