openapi: 3.1.0 info: title: Matrix Client-Server Rooms API version: 1.0.0 paths: "/rooms/{roomId}/initialSync": get: summary: Snapshot the current state of a room and its most recent messages. description: |- Get a copy of the current state and the most recent messages in a room. This endpoint was deprecated in r0 of this specification. There is no direct replacement; the relevant information is returned by the [`/sync`](/client-server-api/#get_matrixclientv3sync) API. See the [migration guide]( operationId: roomInitialSync security: - accessTokenQuery: [] - accessTokenBearer: [] parameters: - in: path name: roomId description: The room to get the data. required: true example: "!" schema: type: string responses: "200": description: The current state of the room content: application/json: schema: title: RoomInfo type: object properties: room_id: type: string description: The ID of this room. membership: type: string description: The user's membership state in this room. enum: - invite - join - leave - ban messages: type: object title: PaginationChunk description: The pagination chunk for this room. properties: start: type: string description: |- A token which correlates to the start of `chunk`. Can be passed to [`/rooms//messages`](#get_matrixclientv3roomsroomidmessages) to retrieve earlier events. If no earlier events are available, this property may be omitted from the response. end: type: string description: |- A token which correlates to the end of `chunk`. Can be passed to [`/rooms//messages`](#get_matrixclientv3roomsroomidmessages) to retrieve later events. chunk: type: array description: |- If the user is a member of the room this will be a list of the most recent messages for this room. If the user has left the room this will be the messages that preceded them leaving. This array will consist of at most `limit` elements. items: $ref: definitions/client_event.yaml required: - end - chunk state: type: array description: |- If the user is a member of the room this will be the current state of the room as a list of events. If the user has left the room this will be the state of the room when they left it. items: $ref: definitions/client_event.yaml visibility: type: string enum: - private - public description: |- Whether this room is visible to the `/publicRooms` API or not." account_data: type: array description: The private data that this user has attached to this room. items: title: Event type: object allOf: - $ref: ../../event-schemas/schema/core-event-schema/event.yaml required: - room_id examples: response: value: { "membership": "join", "messages": { "chunk": [ { "room_id": "!", "$ref": "../../event-schemas/examples/$m.text.yaml" }, { "room_id": "!", "$ref": "../../event-schemas/examples/$m.file.yaml" } ], "end": "s3456_9_0", "start": "t44-3453_9_0" }, "room_id": "!", "state": [ { "room_id": "!", "$ref": "../../event-schemas/examples/" }, { "room_id": "!", "$ref": "../../event-schemas/examples/" }, { "room_id": "!", "$ref": "../../event-schemas/examples/" }, { "room_id": "!", "$ref": "../../event-schemas/examples/" } ], "visibility": "private", "account_data": [ { "type": "m.tag", "content": { "tags": { "work": { "order": "1" } } } } ] } "403": description: | You aren't a member of the room and weren't previously a member of the room. tags: - Room participation deprecated: true servers: - url: "{protocol}://{hostname}{basePath}" variables: protocol: enum: - http - https default: https hostname: default: localhost:8008 basePath: default: /_matrix/client/v3 components: securitySchemes: accessTokenQuery: $ref: definitions/security.yaml#/accessTokenQuery accessTokenBearer: $ref: definitions/security.yaml#/accessTokenBearer