# Copyright 2016 OpenMarket Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. swagger: '2.0' info: title: "Matrix Client-Server Push Rules API" version: "1.0.0" host: localhost:8008 schemes: - https - http basePath: /_matrix/client/v3 consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json securityDefinitions: $ref: definitions/security.yaml paths: "/pushrules/": get: summary: Retrieve all push rulesets. description: |- Retrieve all push rulesets for this user. Clients can "drill-down" on the rulesets by suffixing a `scope` to this path e.g. `/pushrules/global/`. This will return a subset of this data under the specified key e.g. the `global` key. operationId: getPushRules security: - accessToken: [] responses: 200: description: All the push rulesets for this user. schema: type: object required: ["global"] properties: global: type: object description: The global ruleset. title: Ruleset allOf: [ "$ref": "definitions/push_ruleset.yaml" ] examples: application/json: { "global": { "content": [ { "actions": [ "notify", { "set_tweak": "sound", "value": "default" }, { "set_tweak": "highlight" } ], "default": true, "enabled": true, "pattern": "alice", "rule_id": ".m.rule.contains_user_name" } ], "override": [ { "actions": [], "conditions": [], "default": true, "enabled": false, "rule_id": ".m.rule.master" }, { "actions": [], "conditions": [ { "key": "content.msgtype", "kind": "event_match", "pattern": "m.notice" } ], "default": true, "enabled": true, "rule_id": ".m.rule.suppress_notices" } ], "room": [], "sender": [], "underride": [ { "actions": [ "notify", { "set_tweak": "sound", "value": "ring" }, { "set_tweak": "highlight", "value": false } ], "conditions": [ { "key": "type", "kind": "event_match", "pattern": "m.call.invite" } ], "default": true, "enabled": true, "rule_id": ".m.rule.call" }, { "actions": [ "notify", { "set_tweak": "sound", "value": "default" }, { "set_tweak": "highlight" } ], "conditions": [ { "kind": "contains_display_name" } ], "default": true, "enabled": true, "rule_id": ".m.rule.contains_display_name" }, { "actions": [ "notify", { "set_tweak": "sound", "value": "default" }, { "set_tweak": "highlight", "value": false } ], "conditions": [ { "kind": "room_member_count", "is": "2" }, { "kind": "event_match", "key": "type", "pattern": "m.room.message" } ], "default": true, "enabled": true, "rule_id": ".m.rule.room_one_to_one" }, { "actions": [ "notify", { "set_tweak": "sound", "value": "default" }, { "set_tweak": "highlight", "value": false } ], "conditions": [ { "key": "type", "kind": "event_match", "pattern": "m.room.member" }, { "key": "content.membership", "kind": "event_match", "pattern": "invite" }, { "key": "state_key", "kind": "event_match", "pattern": "@alice:example.com" } ], "default": true, "enabled": true, "rule_id": ".m.rule.invite_for_me" }, { "actions": [ "notify", { "set_tweak": "highlight", "value": false } ], "conditions": [ { "key": "type", "kind": "event_match", "pattern": "m.room.member" } ], "default": true, "enabled": true, "rule_id": ".m.rule.member_event" }, { "actions": [ "notify", { "set_tweak": "highlight", "value": false } ], "conditions": [ { "key": "type", "kind": "event_match", "pattern": "m.room.message" } ], "default": true, "enabled": true, "rule_id": ".m.rule.message" } ] } } tags: - Push notifications "/pushrules/{scope}/{kind}/{ruleId}": get: summary: Retrieve a push rule. description: |- Retrieve a single specified push rule. operationId: getPushRule security: - accessToken: [] parameters: - in: path type: string name: scope required: true x-example: "global" description: |- `global` to specify global rules. - in: path type: string name: kind required: true x-example: content enum: ["override", "underride", "sender", "room", "content"] description: | The kind of rule - in: path type: string name: ruleId required: true x-example: "nocake" description: | The identifier for the rule. responses: 200: description: |- The specific push rule. This will also include keys specific to the rule itself such as the rule's `actions` and `conditions` if set. examples: application/json: { "actions": [], "pattern": "cake*lie", "rule_id": "nocake", "enabled": true, "default": false } schema: type: object description: The push rule. allOf: [ "$ref": "definitions/push_rule.yaml" ] 404: description: |- The push rule does not exist. examples: application/json: { "errcode": "M_NOT_FOUND", "error": "The push rule was not found." } schema: "$ref": "definitions/errors/error.yaml" tags: - Push notifications delete: summary: Delete a push rule. description: |- This endpoint removes the push rule defined in the path. operationId: deletePushRule security: - accessToken: [] parameters: - in: path type: string name: scope required: true x-example: "global" description: |- `global` to specify global rules. - in: path type: string name: kind required: true x-example: content enum: ["override", "underride", "sender", "room", "content"] description: | The kind of rule - in: path type: string name: ruleId required: true x-example: "nocake" description: | The identifier for the rule. responses: 200: description: The push rule was deleted. examples: application/json: { } schema: type: object # empty json object 404: description: |- The push rule does not exist. examples: application/json: { "errcode": "M_NOT_FOUND", "error": "The push rule was not found." } schema: "$ref": "definitions/errors/error.yaml" tags: - Push notifications put: summary: Add or change a push rule. description: |- This endpoint allows the creation and modification of user defined push rules. If a rule with the same `rule_id` already exists among rules of the same kind, it is updated with the new parameters, otherwise a new rule is created. If both `after` and `before` are provided, the new or updated rule must be the next most important rule with respect to the rule identified by `before`. If neither `after` nor `before` are provided and the rule is created, it should be added as the most important user defined rule among rules of the same kind. When creating push rules, they MUST be enabled by default. operationId: setPushRule security: - accessToken: [] parameters: - in: path type: string name: scope required: true x-example: "global" description: |- `global` to specify global rules. - in: path type: string name: kind required: true x-example: content enum: ["override", "underride", "sender", "room", "content"] description: | The kind of rule - in: path type: string name: ruleId required: true x-example: "nocake" description: | The identifier for the rule. If the string starts with a dot ("."), the request MUST be rejected as this is reserved for server-default rules. Slashes ("/") and backslashes ("\\") are also not allowed. - in: query type: string name: before required: false x-example: someRuleId description: |- Use 'before' with a `rule_id` as its value to make the new rule the next-most important rule with respect to the given user defined rule. It is not possible to add a rule relative to a predefined server rule. - in: query type: string name: after required: false x-example: anotherRuleId description: |- This makes the new rule the next-less important rule relative to the given user defined rule. It is not possible to add a rule relative to a predefined server rule. - in: body name: pushrule description: |- The push rule data. Additional top-level keys may be present depending on the parameters for the rule `kind`. required: true schema: type: object example: { "pattern": "cake*lie", "actions": ["notify"] } properties: actions: type: array description: |- The action(s) to perform when the conditions for this rule are met. items: type: - string - object conditions: type: array description: |- The conditions that must hold true for an event in order for a rule to be applied to an event. A rule with no conditions always matches. Only applicable to `underride` and `override` rules. items: type: object allOf: [ "$ref": "definitions/push_condition.yaml" ] pattern: type: string description: |- Only applicable to `content` rules. The glob-style pattern to match against. required: ["actions"] responses: 200: description: The push rule was created/updated. examples: application/json: { } schema: type: object # empty json object 400: description: There was a problem configuring this push rule. examples: application/json: { "error": "before/after rule not found: someRuleId", "errcode": "M_UNKNOWN" } schema: "$ref": "definitions/errors/error.yaml" 404: description: |- The push rule does not exist (when updating a push rule). examples: application/json: { "errcode": "M_NOT_FOUND", "error": "The push rule was not found." } schema: "$ref": "definitions/errors/error.yaml" 429: description: This request was rate-limited. schema: "$ref": "definitions/errors/rate_limited.yaml" tags: - Push notifications "/pushrules/{scope}/{kind}/{ruleId}/enabled": get: summary: "Get whether a push rule is enabled" description: This endpoint gets whether the specified push rule is enabled. operationId: isPushRuleEnabled security: - accessToken: [] parameters: - in: path type: string name: scope required: true x-example: "global" description: |- Either `global` or `device/` to specify global rules or device rules for the given `profile_tag`. - in: path type: string name: kind required: true x-example: cake enum: ["override", "underride", "sender", "room", "content"] description: | The kind of rule - in: path type: string name: ruleId required: true x-example: nocake description: | The identifier for the rule. responses: 200: description: Whether the push rule is enabled. examples: application/json: { "enabled": true } schema: type: object properties: enabled: type: boolean description: Whether the push rule is enabled or not. required: ["enabled"] 404: description: |- The push rule does not exist. examples: application/json: { "errcode": "M_NOT_FOUND", "error": "The push rule was not found." } schema: "$ref": "definitions/errors/error.yaml" tags: - Push notifications put: summary: "Enable or disable a push rule." description: |- This endpoint allows clients to enable or disable the specified push rule. operationId: setPushRuleEnabled security: - accessToken: [] parameters: - in: path type: string name: scope required: true x-example: "global" description: |- `global` to specify global rules. - in: path type: string name: kind required: true x-example: content enum: ["override", "underride", "sender", "room", "content"] description: | The kind of rule - in: path type: string name: ruleId required: true x-example: "nocake" description: | The identifier for the rule. - in: body name: body description: | Whether the push rule is enabled or not. required: true schema: type: object properties: enabled: type: boolean description: Whether the push rule is enabled or not. required: ["enabled"] example: { "enabled": true } responses: 200: description: The push rule was enabled or disabled. examples: application/json: { } schema: type: object 404: description: |- The push rule does not exist. examples: application/json: { "errcode": "M_NOT_FOUND", "error": "The push rule was not found." } schema: "$ref": "definitions/errors/error.yaml" tags: - Push notifications "/pushrules/{scope}/{kind}/{ruleId}/actions": get: summary: "The actions for a push rule" description: This endpoint get the actions for the specified push rule. operationId: getPushRuleActions security: - accessToken: [] parameters: - in: path type: string name: scope required: true x-example: "global" description: |- Either `global` or `device/` to specify global rules or device rules for the given `profile_tag`. - in: path type: string name: kind required: true x-example: content enum: ["override", "underride", "sender", "room", "content"] description: | The kind of rule - in: path type: string name: ruleId required: true x-example: nocake description: | The identifier for the rule. responses: 200: description: The actions for this push rule. examples: application/json: { "actions": [ "notify", {"set_tweak": "sound", "value": "bing"} ] } schema: type: object properties: actions: type: array description: The action(s) to perform for this rule. items: type: - string - object required: ["actions"] 404: description: |- The push rule does not exist. examples: application/json: { "errcode": "M_NOT_FOUND", "error": "The push rule was not found." } schema: "$ref": "definitions/errors/error.yaml" tags: - Push notifications put: summary: "Set the actions for a push rule." description: |- This endpoint allows clients to change the actions of a push rule. This can be used to change the actions of builtin rules. operationId: setPushRuleActions security: - accessToken: [] parameters: - in: path type: string name: scope required: true x-example: "global" description: |- `global` to specify global rules. - in: path type: string name: kind required: true x-example: room enum: ["override", "underride", "sender", "room", "content"] description: | The kind of rule - in: path type: string name: ruleId required: true x-example: "#spam:example.com" description: | The identifier for the rule. - in: body name: body description: | The action(s) to perform when the conditions for this rule are met. required: true schema: type: object properties: actions: type: array description: The action(s) to perform for this rule. items: type: - string - object required: ["actions"] example: { "actions": [ "notify", {"set_tweak": "highlight"} ] } responses: 200: description: The actions for the push rule were set. examples: application/json: { } schema: type: object 404: description: |- The push rule does not exist. examples: application/json: { "errcode": "M_NOT_FOUND", "error": "The push rule was not found." } schema: "$ref": "definitions/errors/error.yaml" tags: - Push notifications