# Copyright 2016, 2021 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. openapi: 3.1.0 info: title: Matrix Client-Server sync API version: 1.0.0 paths: /sync: get: summary: Synchronise the client's state and receive new messages. description: |- Synchronise the client's state with the latest state on the server. Clients use this API when they first log in to get an initial snapshot of the state on the server, and then continue to call this API to get incremental deltas to the state, and to receive new messages. *Note*: This endpoint supports lazy-loading. See [Filtering](/client-server-api/#filtering) for more information. Lazy-loading members is only supported on a `StateFilter` for this endpoint. When lazy-loading is enabled, servers MUST include the syncing user's own membership event when they join a room, or when the full state of rooms is requested, to aid discovering the user's avatar & displayname. Further, like other members, the user's own membership event is eligible for being considered redundant by the server. When a sync is `limited`, the server MUST return membership events for events in the gap (between `since` and the start of the returned timeline), regardless as to whether or not they are redundant. This ensures that joins/leaves and profile changes which occur during the gap are not lost. Note that the default behaviour of `state` is to include all membership events, alongside other state, when lazy-loading is not enabled. operationId: sync security: - accessToken: [] parameters: - in: query name: filter description: |- The ID of a filter created using the filter API or a filter JSON object encoded as a string. The server will detect whether it is an ID or a JSON object by whether the first character is a `"{"` open brace. Passing the JSON inline is best suited to one off requests. Creating a filter using the filter API is recommended for clients that reuse the same filter multiple times, for example in long poll requests. See [Filtering](/client-server-api/#filtering) for more information. example: 66696p746572 schema: type: string - in: query name: since description: |- A point in time to continue a sync from. This should be the `next_batch` token returned by an earlier call to this endpoint. example: s72594_4483_1934 schema: type: string - in: query name: full_state description: |- Controls whether to include the full state for all rooms the user is a member of. If this is set to `true`, then all state events will be returned, even if `since` is non-empty. The timeline will still be limited by the `since` parameter. In this case, the `timeout` parameter will be ignored and the query will return immediately, possibly with an empty timeline. If `false`, and `since` is non-empty, only state which has changed since the point indicated by `since` will be returned. By default, this is `false`. example: false schema: type: boolean - in: query name: set_presence description: |- Controls whether the client is automatically marked as online by polling this API. If this parameter is omitted then the client is automatically marked as online when it uses this API. Otherwise if the parameter is set to "offline" then the client is not marked as being online when it uses this API. When set to "unavailable", the client is marked as being idle. example: offline schema: type: string enum: - offline - online - unavailable - in: query name: timeout description: |- The maximum time to wait, in milliseconds, before returning this request. If no events (or other data) become available before this time elapses, the server will return a response with empty fields. By default, this is `0`, so the server will return immediately even if the response is empty. example: 30000 schema: type: integer responses: "200": description: The initial snapshot or delta for the client to use to update their state. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: next_batch: type: string description: |- The batch token to supply in the `since` param of the next `/sync` request. rooms: title: Rooms type: object description: Updates to rooms. properties: join: title: Joined Rooms type: object description: |- The rooms that the user has joined, mapped as room ID to room information. additionalProperties: title: Joined Room type: object properties: summary: title: RoomSummary type: object description: |- Information about the room which clients may need to correctly render it to users. properties: m.heroes: type: array description: |- The users which can be used to generate a room name if the room does not have one. Required if the room's `m.room.name` or `m.room.canonical_alias` state events are unset or empty. This should be the first 5 members of the room, ordered by stream ordering, which are joined or invited. The list must never include the client's own user ID. When no joined or invited members are available, this should consist of the banned and left users. More than 5 members may be provided, however less than 5 should only be provided when there are less than 5 members to represent. When lazy-loading room members is enabled, the membership events for the heroes MUST be included in the `state`, unless they are redundant. When the list of users changes, the server notifies the client by sending a fresh list of heroes. If there are no changes since the last sync, this field may be omitted. items: type: string m.joined_member_count: type: integer description: |- The number of users with `membership` of `join`, including the client's own user ID. If this field has not changed since the last sync, it may be omitted. Required otherwise. m.invited_member_count: type: integer description: |- The number of users with `membership` of `invite`. If this field has not changed since the last sync, it may be omitted. Required otherwise. state: title: State type: object description: |- Updates to the state, between the time indicated by the `since` parameter, and the start of the `timeline` (or all state up to the start of the `timeline`, if `since` is not given, or `full_state` is true). N.B. state updates for `m.room.member` events will be incomplete if `lazy_load_members` is enabled in the `/sync` filter, and only return the member events required to display the senders of the timeline events in this response. allOf: - $ref: definitions/state_event_batch.yaml timeline: title: Timeline type: object description: |- The timeline of messages and state changes in the room. allOf: - $ref: definitions/timeline_batch.yaml ephemeral: title: Ephemeral type: object description: |- The new ephemeral events in the room (events that aren't recorded in the timeline or state of the room). In this version of the spec, these are [typing notification](#typing-notifications) and [read receipt](#receipts) events. allOf: - $ref: definitions/event_batch.yaml account_data: title: Account Data type: object description: |- The private data that this user has attached to this room. allOf: - $ref: definitions/event_batch.yaml unread_notifications: title: Unread Notification Counts type: object description: |- Counts of unread notifications for this room. See the [Receiving notifications](/client-server-api/#receiving-notifications) section for more information on how these are calculated. If `unread_thread_notifications` was specified as `true` on the `RoomEventFilter`, these counts will only be for the main timeline rather than all events in the room. See the [threading module](#threading) for more information. x-changedInMatrixVersion: "1.4": | Updated to reflect behaviour of having `unread_thread_notifications` as `true` in the `RoomEventFilter` for `/sync`. properties: highlight_count: title: Highlighted notification count type: integer description: The number of unread notifications for this room with the highlight flag set. notification_count: title: Total notification count type: integer description: The total number of unread notifications for this room. unread_thread_notifications: title: Unread Thread Notification Counts type: object description: |- If `unread_thread_notifications` was specified as `true` on the `RoomEventFilter`, the notification counts for each [thread](#threading) in this room. The object is keyed by thread root ID, with values matching `unread_notifications`. If a thread does not have any notifications it can be omitted from this object. If no threads have notification counts, this whole object can be omitted. x-addedInMatrixVersion: "1.4" additionalProperties: title: ThreadNotificationCounts type: object properties: highlight_count: title: ThreadedHighlightNotificationCount type: integer description: The number of unread notifications for this *thread* with the highlight flag set. notification_count: title: ThreadedTotalNotificationCount type: integer description: The total number of unread notifications for this *thread*. invite: title: Invited Rooms type: object description: |- The rooms that the user has been invited to, mapped as room ID to room information. additionalProperties: title: Invited Room type: object properties: invite_state: title: InviteState type: object description: |- The [stripped state](#stripped-state) of a room that the user has been invited to. properties: events: description: The [stripped state events](#stripped-state) that form the invite state. items: $ref: ../../event-schemas/schema/core-event-schema/stripped_state.yaml type: array knock: title: Knocked rooms type: object description: The rooms that the user has knocked upon, mapped as room ID to room information. additionalProperties: title: Knocked Room type: object properties: knock_state: title: KnockState type: object description: The [stripped state](#stripped-state) of a room that the user has knocked upon. properties: events: description: The [stripped state events](#stripped-state) that form the knock state. items: $ref: ../../event-schemas/schema/core-event-schema/stripped_state.yaml type: array leave: title: Left rooms type: object description: |- The rooms that the user has left or been banned from, mapped as room ID to room information. additionalProperties: title: Left Room type: object properties: state: title: State type: object description: The state updates for the room up to the start of the timeline. allOf: - $ref: definitions/state_event_batch.yaml timeline: title: Timeline type: object description: |- The timeline of messages and state changes in the room up to the point when the user left. allOf: - $ref: definitions/timeline_batch.yaml account_data: title: Account Data type: object description: |- The private data that this user has attached to this room. allOf: - $ref: definitions/event_batch.yaml presence: title: Presence type: object description: The updates to the presence status of other users. allOf: - $ref: definitions/event_batch.yaml account_data: title: Account Data type: object description: The global private data created by this user. allOf: - $ref: definitions/event_batch.yaml to_device: title: ToDevice type: object description: |- Information on the send-to-device messages for the client device, as defined in [Send-to-Device messaging](/client-server-api/#extensions-to-sync). device_lists: title: DeviceLists type: object description: |- Information on end-to-end device updates, as specified in [End-to-end encryption](/client-server-api/#e2e-extensions-to-sync). device_one_time_keys_count: title: One-time keys count type: object additionalProperties: type: integer description: |- Information on end-to-end encryption keys, as specified in [End-to-end encryption](/client-server-api/#e2e-extensions-to-sync). required: - next_batch examples: response: value: { "next_batch": "s72595_4483_1934", "presence": { "events": [ { "$ref": "../../event-schemas/examples/m.presence.yaml" } ] }, "account_data": { "events": [ { "type": "org.example.custom.config", "content": { "custom_config_key": "custom_config_value" } } ] }, "rooms": { "join": { "!726s6s6q:example.com": { "summary": { "m.heroes": [ "@alice:example.com", "@bob:example.com" ], "m.joined_member_count": 2, "m.invited_member_count": 0 }, "state": { "events": [ { "$ref": "../../event-schemas/examples/m.room.member.yaml" } ] }, "timeline": { "events": [ { "$ref": "../../event-schemas/examples/m.room.member.yaml" }, { "$ref": "../../event-schemas/examples/m.room.message$m.text.yaml" } ], "limited": true, "prev_batch": "t34-23535_0_0" }, "ephemeral": { "events": [ { "$ref": "../../event-schemas/examples/m.typing.yaml" }, { "$ref": "../../event-schemas/examples/m.receipt.yaml" } ] }, "account_data": { "events": [ { "$ref": "../../event-schemas/examples/m.tag.yaml" }, { "type": "org.example.custom.room.config", "content": { "custom_config_key": "custom_config_value" } } ] }, "unread_notifications": { "highlight_count": 1, "notification_count": 5 }, "unread_thread_notifications": { "$threadroot": { "highlight_count": 3, "notification_count": 6 } } } }, "invite": { "!696r7674:example.com": { "invite_state": { "events": [ { "sender": "@alice:example.com", "type": "m.room.name", "state_key": "", "content": { "name": "My Room Name" } }, { "sender": "@alice:example.com", "type": "m.room.member", "state_key": "@bob:example.com", "content": { "membership": "invite" } } ] } } }, "knock": { "!223asd456:example.com": { "knock_state": { "events": [ { "sender": "@alice:example.com", "type": "m.room.name", "state_key": "", "content": { "name": "My Room Name" } }, { "sender": "@bob:example.com", "type": "m.room.member", "state_key": "@bob:example.com", "content": { "membership": "knock" } } ] } } }, "leave": {} } } tags: - Room participation servers: - url: "{protocol}://{hostname}{basePath}" variables: protocol: enum: - http - https default: https hostname: default: localhost:8008 basePath: default: /_matrix/client/v3 components: securitySchemes: $ref: definitions/security.yaml