--- allOf: - $ref: core-event-schema/room_event.yaml description: Represents a server notice for a user. properties: content: properties: body: description: A human-readable description of the notice. type: string msgtype: enum: - m.server_notice type: string server_notice_type: description: |- The type of notice being represented. type: string admin_contact: description: |- A URI giving a contact method for the server administrator. Required if the notice type is `m.server_notice.usage_limit_reached`. type: string limit_type: description: |- The kind of usage limit the server has exceeded. Required if the notice type is `m.server_notice.usage_limit_reached`. type: string required: - msgtype - body - server_notice_type type: object type: enum: - m.room.message type: string title: ServerNoticeMessage type: object