[tool.towncrier] version = "unused" filename = "../rendered.md" issue_format = "[#{issue}](https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-spec/issues/{issue})" title_format = "### {name}" # Matches rendered spec, even if awkward underlines = " " # 3 spaces intentionally to hide RST headings # Note: The names below have the tag built-in so the rendered spec *and* the generated # changelog can benefit from sane headings. [[tool.towncrier.type]] directory = "breaking" name = "Breaking Changes" showcontent = true [[tool.towncrier.type]] directory = "deprecation" name = "Deprecations" showcontent = true [[tool.towncrier.type]] directory = "new" name = "New Endpoints" showcontent = true [[tool.towncrier.type]] directory = "removal" name = "Removed Endpoints" showcontent = true [[tool.towncrier.type]] directory = "feature" name = "Backwards Compatible Changes" showcontent = true [[tool.towncrier.type]] directory = "clarification" name = "Spec Clarifications" showcontent = true