type: object title: Receipt Event description: Informs the client of new receipts. x-changedInMatrixVersion: 1.4: | Added `m.read.private` receipts to the event's `content`. allOf: - $ref: "core-event-schema/event.yaml" properties: content: type: object patternProperties: "^\\$": type: object x-pattern: "$EVENT_ID" title: Receipts description: |- The mapping of event ID to a collection of receipts for this event ID. The event ID is the ID of the event being acknowledged and *not* an ID for the receipt itself. properties: "m.read": type: object title: Users description: |- A collection of users who have sent `m.read` receipts for this event. patternProperties: "^@": &receiptUserMap type: object title: Receipt description: |- The mapping of user ID to receipt. The user ID is the entity who sent this receipt. x-pattern: "$USER_ID" properties: ts: type: integer format: int64 description: The timestamp the receipt was sent at. thread_id: type: string x-addedInMatrixVersion: "1.4" description: |- The root thread event's ID (or `main`) for which thread this receipt is intended to be under. If not specified, the read receipt is *unthreaded* (default). "m.read.private": type: object title: Own User description: |- Similar to `m.read`, the users who have sent `m.read.private` receipts for this event. Due to the nature of private read receipts, this should only ever have the current user's ID. patternProperties: "^@": *receiptUserMap additionalProperties: false type: type: string enum: ["m.receipt", "m.receipt.private"] required: ["type", "content"]