Display POST body parameters as tables

Replace a whole bunch of special-casing for POST body parameters with the same
logic as is used for response objects: represent all but the top-level as
Richard van der Hoff 9 years ago
parent 3edff684a1
commit c6f5ba09d4

@ -224,6 +224,8 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
if args.verbose:
if not args.input:
raise Exception("Missing [i]nput python module.")

@ -21,6 +21,14 @@
Request format:
{% if (endpoint.req_param_by_loc | length) %}
{{ tables.split_paramtable(endpoint.req_param_by_loc) }}
{% if (endpoint.req_body_tables) -%}
{% for table in endpoint.req_body_tables -%}
{{"``"+table.title+"``" if table.title else "" }}
{{ tables.paramtable(table.rows) }}
{% endfor -%}
{% endif -%}
{% else %}
`No parameters`
{% endif %}

@ -275,7 +275,8 @@ class MatrixUnits(Units):
"path": full_path.strip(),
"requires_auth": "security" in single_api,
"rate_limited": 429 in single_api.get("responses", {}),
"req_params": [],
"req_param_by_loc": {},
"req_body_tables": [],
"res_tables": [],
"example": {
"req": "",
@ -285,6 +286,13 @@ class MatrixUnits(Units):
self.log(" ------- Endpoint: %s %s ------- " % (method, path))
for param in single_api.get("parameters", []):
param_loc = param["in"]
if param_loc == "body":
self._handle_body_param(filepath, param, endpoint)
param_name = param["name"]
# description
desc = param.get("description", "")
if param.get("required"):
@ -299,115 +307,12 @@ class MatrixUnits(Units):
" One of: %s" % json.dumps(param.get("enum"))
refType = Units.prop(param, "schema/$ref/") # Error,Event
schemaFmt = Units.prop(param, "schema/format") # bytes e.g. uploads
if not val_type and refType:
val_type = refType # TODO: Resolve to human-readable.
if not val_type and schemaFmt:
val_type = schemaFmt
# handle top-level strings/bools
if not val_type and Units.prop(param, "schema/type") == "string":
val_type = "string"
if not val_type and Units.prop(param, "schema/type") == "boolean":
val_type = "boolean"
if val_type:
"key": param["name"],
"loc": param["in"],
"type": val_type,
"desc": desc
# If we're here, either the param has no value or it is an
# object which we haven't $reffed (so probably just a json
# object with some keys; we'll add entries f.e one)
if "schema" not in param:
raise Exception(
("API endpoint group=%s path=%s method=%s param=%s"+
" has no valid parameter value.") % (
group_name, path, method, param
if Units.prop(param, "schema/type") != "object":
raise Exception(
("API endpoint group=%s path=%s method=%s defines a"+
" param with a schema which isn't an object. Array?")
% (group_name, path, method)
# loop top-level json keys
json_body = Units.prop(param, "schema/properties")
required_params = []
if Units.prop(param, "schema/required"):
required_params = Units.prop(param, "schema/required")
for key in json_body:
req_obj = json_body[key]
pdesc = req_obj["description"]
if key in required_params:
pdesc = "**Required.** " + pdesc
is_array = req_obj["type"] == "array"
is_array_of_objects = (
is_array and req_obj["items"]["type"] == "object"
"key": key,
"loc": "JSON body",
"type": (
req_obj["type"] if not is_array else
"array[%s]" % req_obj["items"]["type"]
"desc": pdesc
if not is_array_of_objects and req_obj["type"] == "array":
# Put in request.dot.notation for nested keys
if req_obj["type"] in ["object", "array"]:
if is_array_of_objects:
req_obj = req_obj["items"]
req_tables = get_tables_for_schema(
filepath, req_obj, include_parents=True)
if req_tables > 1:
for table in req_tables[1:]:
nested_key_name = {
"key": s["key"]
for rtable in req_tables
for s in rtable["rows"]
if s["id"] == table["title"]
}.get("key", None)
if nested_key_name is None:
raise Exception("Failed to find table for %r" % (table["title"],))
for row in table["rows"]:
row["key"] = "%s.%s" % (nested_key_name, row["key"])
key_sep = "[0]." if is_array else "."
for table in req_tables:
if table.get("no-table"):
for row in table["rows"]:
nested_key = key + key_sep + row["key"]
"key": nested_key,
"loc": "JSON body",
"type": row["type"],
"desc": row["req_str"] + row["desc"]
endpoint["req_param_by_loc"].setdefault(param_loc, []).append({
"key": param_name,
"type": val_type,
"desc": desc
# endfor[param]
for row in endpoint["req_params"]:
self.log("Request parameter: %s" % row)
# group params by location to ease templating
endpoint["req_param_by_loc"] = {
# path: [...], query: [...], body: [...]
for p in endpoint["req_params"]:
if p["loc"] not in endpoint["req_param_by_loc"]:
endpoint["req_param_by_loc"][p["loc"]] = []
good_response = None
for code, res in single_api.get("responses", {}).items():
@ -548,6 +453,32 @@ class MatrixUnits(Units):
"endpoints": endpoints,
def _handle_body_param(self, filepath, param, endpoint_data):
"""Update endpoint_data object with the details of the body param
:param string filepath path to the yaml
:param dict param the parameter data from the yaml
:param dict endpoint_data dictionary of endpoint data to be updated
req_body_tables = get_tables_for_schema(filepath, param["schema"])
except Exception, e:
logger.warning("Error decoding body of API endpoint %s %s: %s",
endpoint_data["method"], endpoint_data["path"],
# put the top-level parameters into 'req_param_by_loc', and the others
# into 'req_body_tables'
body_params = endpoint_data['req_param_by_loc'].setdefault("body",[])
body_tables = req_body_tables[1:]
# TODO: remove this when PR #255 has landed
body_tables = (t for t in body_tables if not t.get('no-table'))
def load_swagger_apis(self):
apis = {}
for path in HTTP_APIS:
