Link to HTML anchors, where they exist

Richard van der Hoff 1 year ago
parent 3736461cd1
commit 3c52648c50

@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
Computes the type to display for a property, given:
* `type`: string or array of strings for the type(s) of the property
* `title`: optional string for the title of the property
* `oneOf`: optional array of dictionaries describing the different formats
@ -95,6 +95,9 @@
* `items`: if the type is an array, array of dictionaries describing the
format of the array's items
* `anchor`: optional HTML element id for the target type, which will be used to link to it.
{{ define "partials/property-type" }}
{{ $type := .type }}
@ -123,7 +126,7 @@
Computes the type to display for a property's schema, given:
* `type`: string or array of strings for the type(s) of the property
* `title`: optional string for the title of the property
* `oneOf`: optional array of dictionaries describing the different formats
@ -134,7 +137,9 @@
* `patternProperties`: optional dictionary for properties with names
adhering to a regex pattern
* `anchor`: optional HTML element id for the target type, which will be used to link to it.
The title has a higher priority than anything else.
{{ define "partials/type-or-title" }}
@ -145,6 +150,9 @@
This means we can write things like `EventFilter` rather than `object`.
{{ $type = .title }}
{{ if .anchor }}
{{ $type = printf "<a href=\"#%s\">%s</a>" (htmlEscape .anchor) (htmlEscape $type) | safeHTML }}
{{ end }}
{{ else if reflect.IsMap .additionalProperties }}
If the property uses `additionalProperties` to describe its
@ -205,9 +213,9 @@
* `property`: dictionary describing the property's data, with these fields:
* `description`: string describing the property
* `enum`: optional array indicating the accepted values for the property
* `x-addedInMatrixVersion`: optional string indicating in which Matrix
spec version this property was added.
@ -220,4 +228,4 @@
{{ if .property.enum }}<p>One of: <code>[{{ delimit .property.enum ", " }}]</code>.</p>{{ end -}}
{{ if (index .property "x-addedInMatrixVersion") }}{{ partial "added-in" (dict "v" (index .property "x-addedInMatrixVersion")) }}{{ end -}}
{{ if (index .property "x-changedInMatrixVersion") }}{{ partial "changed-in" (dict "changes_dict" (index .property "x-changedInMatrixVersion")) }}{{ end -}}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
