@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#! /usr/bin/env python
from docutils.core import publish_file
import copy
import fileinput
import glob
import os
@ -8,6 +9,7 @@ import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import yaml
@ -15,65 +17,214 @@ stylesheets = {
"stylesheet_path": ["basic.css", "nature.css", "codehighlight.css"]
title_style_matchers = {
"=": re.compile("^=+$"),
"-": re.compile("^-+$")
FILE_FORMAT_MATCHER = re.compile("^[0-9]+_[0-9]{2}[a-z]*_.*\.rst$")
Read a RST file and replace titles with a different title level if required.
filename: The name of the file being read (for debugging)
file_stream: The open file stream to read from.
title_level: The integer which determines the offset to *start* from.
title_styles: An array of characters detailing the right title styles to use
e.g. ["=", "-", "~", "+"]
string: The file contents with titles adjusted.
Assume title_styles = ["=", "-", "~", "+"], title_level = 1, and the file
when read line-by-line encounters the titles "===", "---", "---", "===", "---".
This function will bump every title encountered down a sub-heading e.g.
"=" to "-" and "-" to "~" because title_level = 1, so the output would be
"---", "~~~", "~~~", "---", "~~~". There is no bumping "up" a title level.
def load_with_adjusted_titles(filename, file_stream, title_level, title_styles):
rst_lines = []
title_chars = "".join(title_styles)
title_regex = re.compile("^[" + re.escape(title_chars) + "]{3,}$")
def check_valid_section(filename, section):
if not re.match(FILE_FORMAT_MATCHER, filename):
raise Exception(
"The filename of " + filename + " does not match the expected format " +
"of '##_##_words-go-here.rst'"
prev_line_title_level = 0 # We expect the file to start with '=' titles
file_offset = None
prev_non_title_line = None
for i, line in enumerate(file_stream, 1):
# ignore anything which isn't a title (e.g. '===============')
if not title_regex.match(line):
prev_non_title_line = line
# The title underline must match at a minimum the length of the title
if len(prev_non_title_line) > len(line):
prev_non_title_line = line
# we need TWO new lines else the next file's title gets merged
# the last paragraph *WITHOUT RST PRODUCING A WARNING*
if not section[-2:] == "\n\n":
raise Exception(
"The file " + filename + " does not end with 2 new lines."
line_title_style = line[0]
line_title_level = title_styles.index(line_title_style)
# Enforce some rules to reduce the risk of having mismatched title
# styles.
title_line = section.split("\n")[1]
if title_line != (len(title_line) * title_line[0]):
raise Exception(
"The file " + filename + " doesn't have a title style line on line 2"
# Not all files will start with "===" and we should be flexible enough
# to allow that. The first title we encounter sets the "file offset"
# which is added to the title_level desired.
if file_offset is None:
file_offset = line_title_level
if file_offset != 0:
print (" WARNING: %s starts with a title style of '%s' but '%s' " +
"is preferable.") % (filename, line_title_style, title_styles[0])
# anything marked as xx_00_ is the start of a new top-level section
if re.match("^[0-9]+_00_", filename):
if not title_style_matchers[TOP_LEVEL].match(title_line):
# Sanity checks: Make sure that this file is obeying the title levels
# specified and bail if it isn't.
# The file is allowed to go 1 deeper or any number shallower
if prev_line_title_level - line_title_level < -1:
raise Exception(
"The file " + filename + " is a top-level section because it matches " +
"the filename format ##_00_something.rst but has the wrong title " +
"style: expected '" + TOP_LEVEL + "' but got '" +
title_line[0] + "'"
("File '%s' line '%s' has a title " +
"style '%s' which doesn't match one of the " +
"allowed title styles of %s because the " +
"title level before this line was '%s'") %
(filename, (i + 1), line_title_style, title_styles,
# anything marked as xx_xx_ is the start of a sub-section
elif re.match("^[0-9]+_[0-9]{2}_", filename):
if not title_style_matchers[SECOND_LEVEL].match(title_line):
prev_line_title_level = line_title_level
adjusted_level = (
title_level + line_title_level - file_offset
# Sanity check: Make sure we can bump down the title and we aren't at the
# lowest level already
if adjusted_level >= len(title_styles):
raise Exception(
"The file " + filename + " is a 2nd-level section because it matches " +
"the filename format ##_##_something.rst but has the wrong title " +
"style: expected '" + SECOND_LEVEL + "' but got '" +
title_line[0] + "' - If this is meant to be a 3rd/4th/5th-level section " +
"then use the form '##_##b_something.rst' which will not apply this " +
("Files '%s' line '%s' has a sub-title level too low and it " +
"cannot be adjusted to fit. You can add another level to the " +
"'title_styles' key in targets.yaml to fix this.") %
(filename, (i + 1))
def cat_spec_sections_to(out_file_name):
with open(out_file_name, "wb") as outfile:
for f in sorted(glob.glob("../specification/*.rst")):
with open(f, "rb") as infile:
section = infile.read()
check_valid_section(os.path.basename(f), section)
if adjusted_level == line_title_level:
# no changes required
# Adjusting line levels
# print (
# "File: %s Adjusting %s to %s because file_offset=%s title_offset=%s" %
# (filename, line_title_style,
# title_styles[adjusted_level],
# file_offset, title_level)
# )
return "".join(rst_lines)
def get_rst(file_info, title_level, title_styles, spec_dir, adjust_titles):
# string are file paths to RST blobs
if isinstance(file_info, basestring):
print "%s %s" % (">" * (1 + title_level), file_info)
with open(os.path.join(spec_dir, file_info), "r") as f:
rst = None
if adjust_titles:
rst = load_with_adjusted_titles(
file_info, f, title_level, title_styles
rst = f.read()
if rst[-2:] != "\n\n":
raise Exception(
("File %s should end with TWO new-line characters to ensure " +
"file concatenation works correctly.") % (file_info,)
return rst
# dicts look like {0: filepath, 1: filepath} where the key is the title level
elif isinstance(file_info, dict):
levels = sorted(file_info.keys())
rst = []
for l in levels:
rst.append(get_rst(file_info[l], l, title_styles, spec_dir, adjust_titles))
return "".join(rst)
# lists are multiple file paths e.g. [filepath, filepath]
elif isinstance(file_info, list):
rst = []
for f in file_info:
rst.append(get_rst(f, title_level, title_styles, spec_dir, adjust_titles))
return "".join(rst)
raise Exception(
"The following 'file' entry in this target isn't a string, list or dict. " +
"It really really should be. Entry: %s" % (file_info,)
def build_spec(target, out_filename):
with open(out_filename, "wb") as outfile:
for file_info in target["files"]:
section = get_rst(
Replaces relative title styles with actual title styles.
The templating system has no idea what the right title style is when it produces
RST because it depends on the build target. As a result, it uses relative title
styles defined in targets.yaml to say "down a level, up a level, same level".
This function replaces these relative titles with actual title styles from the
array in targets.yaml.
def fix_relative_titles(target, filename, out_filename):
title_styles = target["title_styles"]
relative_title_chars = [
relative_title_matcher = re.compile(
"^[" + re.escape("".join(relative_title_chars)) + "]{3,}$"
title_matcher = re.compile(
"^[" + re.escape("".join(title_styles)) + "]{3,}$"
current_title_style = None
with open(filename, "r") as infile:
with open(out_filename, "w") as outfile:
for line in infile.readlines():
if not relative_title_matcher.match(line):
if title_matcher.match(line):
current_title_style = line[0]
line_char = line[0]
replacement_char = None
current_title_level = title_styles.index(current_title_style)
if line_char == target["relative_title_styles"]["subtitle"]:
if (current_title_level + 1) == len(title_styles):
raise Exception(
"Encountered sub-title line style but we can't go " +
"any lower."
replacement_char = title_styles[current_title_level + 1]
elif line_char == target["relative_title_styles"]["sametitle"]:
replacement_char = title_styles[current_title_level]
elif line_char == target["relative_title_styles"]["supertitle"]:
if (current_title_level - 1) < 0:
raise Exception(
"Encountered super-title line style but we can't go " +
"any higher."
replacement_char = title_styles[current_title_level - 1]
raise Exception(
"Unknown relative line char %s" % (line_char,)
line.replace(line_char, replacement_char)
def rst2html(i, o):
@ -88,13 +239,14 @@ def rst2html(i, o):
def run_through_template(input):
tmpfile = './tmp/output'
with open(tmpfile, 'w') as out:
print subprocess.check_output(
'python', 'build.py',
'python', 'build.py', "-v",
"-i", "matrix_templates",
"-o", "../scripts/tmp",
@ -107,6 +259,95 @@ def run_through_template(input):
sys.stderr.write(f.read() + "\n")
Extract and resolve groups for the given target in the given targets listing.
targets_listing (str): The path to a YAML file containing a list of targets
target_name (str): The name of the target to extract from the listings.
dict: Containing "filees" (a list of file paths), "relative_title_styles"
(a dict of relative style keyword to title character) and "title_styles"
(a list of characters which represent the global title style to follow,
with the top section title first, the second section second, and so on.)
def get_build_target(targets_listing, target_name):
build_target = {
"title_styles": [],
"relative_title_styles": {},
"files": []
with open(targets_listing, "r") as targ_file:
all_targets = yaml.load(targ_file.read())
build_target["title_styles"] = all_targets["title_styles"]
build_target["relative_title_styles"] = all_targets["relative_title_styles"]
target = all_targets["targets"].get(target_name)
if not target:
raise Exception(
"No target by the name '" + target_name + "' exists in '" +
targets_listing + "'."
if not isinstance(target.get("files"), list):
raise Exception(
"Found target but 'files' key is not a list."
def get_group(group_id, depth):
group_name = group_id[len("group:"):]
group = all_targets.get("groups", {}).get(group_name)
if not group:
raise Exception(
"Tried to find group '%s' but it doesn't exist." % group_name
if not isinstance(group, list):
raise Exception(
"Expected group '%s' to be a list but it isn't." % group_name
# deep copy so changes to depths don't contaminate multiple uses of this group
group = copy.deepcopy(group)
# swap relative depths for absolute ones
for i, entry in enumerate(group):
if isinstance(entry, dict):
group[i] = {
(rel_depth + depth): v for (rel_depth, v) in entry.items()
return group
resolved_files = []
for file_entry in target["files"]:
# file_entry is a group id
if isinstance(file_entry, basestring) and file_entry.startswith("group:"):
group = get_group(file_entry, 0)
# The group may be resolved to a list of file entries, in which case
# we want to extend the array to insert each of them rather than
# insert the entire list as a single element (which is what append does)
if isinstance(group, list):
# file_entry is a dict which has more file entries as values
elif isinstance(file_entry, dict):
resolved_entry = {}
for (depth, entry) in file_entry.iteritems():
if not isinstance(entry, basestring):
raise Exception(
"Double-nested depths are not supported. Entry: %s" % (file_entry,)
if entry.startswith("group:"):
resolved_entry[depth] = get_group(entry, depth)
# map across without editing (e.g. normal file path)
resolved_entry[depth] = entry
# file_entry is just a plain ol' file path
build_target["files"] = resolved_files
return build_target
def prepare_env():
@ -116,14 +357,22 @@ def prepare_env():
except OSError:
def cleanup_env():
def main():
def main(target_name):
print "Building spec [target=%s]" % target_name
target = get_build_target("../specification/targets.yaml", target_name)
build_spec(target=target, out_filename="tmp/templated_spec.rst")
target=target, filename="tmp/templated_spec.rst",
shutil.copy("../supporting-docs/howtos/client-server.rst", "tmp/howto.rst")
rst2html("tmp/full_spec.rst", "gen/specification.html")
@ -131,6 +380,7 @@ def main():
if "--nodelete" not in sys.argv:
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1:] != ["--nodelete"]:
# we accept almost no args, so they don't know what they're doing!
@ -145,4 +395,4 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
print "Requirements:"
print " - This script requires Jinja2 and rst2html (docutils)."