@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ For example, if Alice displays a QR code encoding the following binary string:
this indicates that Alice is verifying another user (say Bob), in response to
the request from event "!ABCD...", her cross-signing key is
the request from event "$ABCD...", her cross-signing key is
`0001020304050607...` (which is "AAECAwQFBg..." in base64), she thinks that
Bob's cross-signing key is `1011121314151617...` (which is "EBESExQVFh..." in
base64), and the shared secret is `2021222324252627` (which is "ICEiIyQlJic" in
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ Example:
"method": "m.reciprocate.v1",
"m.relates_to": {
"rel_type": "m.reference",
"event_id": "!event_id_of_verification_request"
"event_id": "$event_id_of_verification_request"
"secret": "shared+secret"