# proposals.py: generate an RST file (proposals.rst) from queries to github.com/matrix.org/matrix-doc/issues.
# v0.0.1
# todo:
# use status labels to create separate sections.
# include all fields discussed at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wLln7da12l0H5YgAh5xM2TVE7VsTjXzhEwVh3sRBMCk/edit#
# format, probably as tables
import requests
import re
from datetime import datetime
from m2r import convert as m2r
pagecount = 1
def getpage(url, page):
resp = requests.get(url + str(page))
for link in resp.links.values():
if link['rel'] == 'last':
pagecount = re.search('page=(.+?)', link['url']).group(1)
return resp.json()
def getbylabel(label):
pagecount = 1
json = list()
urlbase = 'https://api.github.com/repos/matrix-org/matrix-doc/issues?state=open&labels=' + label + '&page='
json.extend(getpage(urlbase, 1))
for page in range(2, int(pagecount) + 1):
getpage(urlbase, page)
return json
# new status labels:
# labels = ['proposal-wip', 'proposal-ready-for-review',
# 'proposal-in-review', 'proposal-passed-review',
# 'spec-pr-ready-for-review', 'spec-pr-in-review', 'merged', 'stalled', 'rejected' ]
labels = ['p1', 'p2', 'p3', 'p4', 'p5']
issues = {}
for label in labels:
issues[label] = getbylabel(label)
text_file = open("../specification/proposals.rst", "w")
for label in labels:
text_file.write(label + "\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n")
text_file.write(".. list-table::\n :header-rows: 1\n :widths: auto\n :stub-columns: 1\n\n")
text_file.write(" * - MSC\n")
text_file.write(" - github username\n")
text_file.write(" - proposal title\n")
text_file.write(" - created_at\n")
text_file.write(" - updated_at\n")
text_file.write(" - maindoc\n")
text_file.write(" - author\n")
text_file.write(" - shepherd\n")
for item in issues[label]:
text_file.write(" * - `MSC" + str(item['number']) + " <" + item['html_url'] + ">`_\n")
text_file.write(" - " + item['user']['login'] + "\n")
text_file.write(" - " + item['title'] + "\n")
created = datetime.strptime(item['created_at'], "%Y-%m-%dT%XZ")
text_file.write(" - " + created.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + "\n")
updated = datetime.strptime(item['updated_at'], "%Y-%m-%dT%XZ")
text_file.write(" - " + updated.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + "\n")
maindoc = re.search('Documentation: (.+?)\n', str(item['body']))
if maindoc is not None: maindoc = maindoc.group(1)
text_file.write(" - " + str(maindoc) + "\n")
author = re.search('Author: (.+?)\n', str(item['body']))
if author is not None: author = author.group(1)
#if author is None: author = item['user']['login']
text_file.write(" - " + str(author) + "\n")
shepherd = re.search('Shepherd: (.+?)\n', str(item['body']))
if shepherd is not None: shepherd = shepherd.group(1)
text_file.write(" - " + str(shepherd) + "\n")
# text_file.write("The Proposals List\n------------------\n")
# # text_file.write(json[0]['user']['login'])
# for item in json:
# # write a header
# prop_header = item['title'] + " (" + str(item['number']) + ")"
# text_file.write(prop_header + "\n")
# text_file.write("~" * len(prop_header))
# text_file.write("\n\n")
# # write some metadata
# text_file.write(item['created_at'] + "\n")
# text_file.write(item['updated_at'] + "\n")
# # created = datetime.strptime(item['created_at'], "%Y-%m-%dT%XZ")
# # write body text
# body = m2r(str(item['body']))
# text_file.write(body + "\n\n\n")