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Storing megolm keys serverside
We *optionally* let clients store a copy of their megolm inbound session keys
on the HS so that they can recover history if all devices are lost without an
6 years ago
explicit key export; fix UISIs; support clients with limited local storage for
See also:
(old version of proposal)
This proposal creates new APIs to allow clients to back up room decryption keys
on the server. Decryption keys are encrypted (using public key crypto) before
being sent to the server along with some unencrypted metadata to allow the
server to manage the backups, overwriting backups with "better" versions of the
keys. The user is given a private recovery key to save for recovering the keys
from the backup.
6 years ago
Clients can create new versions of backups. Aside from the initial backup
creation, a client might start a new version of a backup when, for example, a
user loses a device, and wants to ensure that that device does not get any new
decryption keys.
Once one client has created a backup version, other clients can fetch the
public key for the backup from the server and add keys to the backup, if they
trust that the backup was not created by a malicious device.
### Possible UX for interactive clients
On receipt of encryption keys (1st time):
1. client checks if there is an existing backup: `GET /room_keys/version`
1. if not, ask if the user wants to back up keys
1. if yes:
1. generate new curve25519 key pair
2. create new backup version: `POST /room_keys/version`
3. display private key to user to save (see below for the format)
2. if no, exit and remember decision (user can change their mind later)
3. while prompting, continue to poll `GET /room_keys/versions`, as
another device may have created a backup. If so, go to 1.2.
2. if yes, get public key, prompt user to verify a device that signed the
key¹, or enter recovery key (which can derive the backup key).
1. User can also decide to create a new backup, in which case, go to 1.1.
2. send key to backup: `PUT /room_keys/keys/${roomId}/${sessionId}?version=$v`
6 years ago
3. continue backing up keys as we receive them (may receive a
`M_WRONG_ROOM_KEYS_VERSION` error if a new backup version has been created:
see below)
6 years ago
On `M_WRONG_ROOM_KEYS_VERSION` error when trying to `PUT` keys:
1. get the current version
2. notify the user that there is a new backup version, and display relevant
3. confirm with user that they want to use the backup (user may want use the
backup, to stop backing up keys, or to create a new backup)
4. verify the device that signed the backup key¹, or enter recovery key
¹: cross-signing (when that is completed) can be used to verify the device
that signed the key.
On receipt of undecryptable message:
1. ask user if they want to restore backup (ask whether to get individual key,
room keys, or all keys). (This can be done in the same place as asking if
the user wants to request keys from other devices.)
2. if yes, prompt for private key, and get keys: `GET /room_keys/keys`
Users can also set up, disable, or rotate backups, or restore from backup via user
6 years ago
### Recovery key
The recovery key is can either be saved by the user directly, or stored
encrypted on the server (as proposed in
[MSC1687]( If the key
is saved directly by the user, then it the code is constructed as follows:
1. The 256-bit curve25519 private key is prepended by the bytes `0x8B` and
2. All the bytes in the string are above are XORed together to form a parity
byte. This parity byte is appended to the byte string.
3. The byte string is encoded using base58, using the same mapping as is used
for Bitcoin addresses.
This 58-character string is presented to the user to save. Implementations may
add whitespace to the recovery key.
When reading in a recovery key, clients must disregard whitespace. Clients
must base58-decode the code, ensure that the first two bytes of the decoded
string are `0x8B` and `0x01`, ensure that XOR-ing all the bytes together
results in 0, and ensure that the total length of the decoded string
is 35 bytes. Clients must then remove the first two bytes and the last byte,
and use the resulting string as the private key to decrypt backups.
### API
#### Backup versions
##### `POST /room_keys/version`
Create a new backup version.
Body parameters:
- `algorithm` (string): Required. The algorithm used for storing backups.
Currently, only `m.megolm_backup.v1.curve25519-aes-sha2` is defined.
- `auth_data` (string or object): Required. algorithm-dependent data. For
`m.megolm_backup.v1.curve25519-aes-sha2`, this is a signedjson object with
the following keys:
- `public_key` (string): the curve25519 public key used to encrypt the backups
- `signatures` (object): signatures of the public key
"algorithm": "m.megolm_backup.v1.curve25519-aes-sha2",
"auth_data": {
6 years ago
"public_key": "abcdefg",
"signatures": {
"something": {
"ed25519:something": "hijklmnop"
On success, returns a JSON object with keys:
- `version` (integer): the backup version
##### `GET /room_keys/version/{version}`
Get information about the given version, or the current version if `{version}`
is omitted.
On success, returns a JSON object with keys:
- `algorithm` (string): Required. Same as in the body parameters for `POST
- `auth_data` (string or object): Required. Same as in the body parameters for
`POST /room_keys/version`.
- `version` (integer): Required. The backup version.
6 years ago
Error codes:
- `M_NOT_FOUND`: No backup version has been created.
#### Storing keys
##### `PUT /room_keys/keys/${roomId}/${sessionId}?version=$v`
Store the key for the given session in the given room, using the given backup
If the server already has a backup in the backup version for the given session
and room, then it will keep the "better" one. To determine which one is
"better", key backups are compared first by the `is_verified` flag (`true` is
better than `false`), then by the `first_message_index` (a lower number is better),
and finally by `forwarded_count` (a lower number is better).
Body parameters:
- `first_message_index` (integer): Required. The index of the first message
in the session that the key can decrypt.
- `forwarded_count` (integer): Required. The number of times this key has been
- `is_verified` (boolean): Whether the device backing up the key has verified
the device that the key is from.
6 years ago
- `session_data` (string or object): Algorithm-dependent data. For
`m.megolm_backup.v1.curve25519-aes-sha2`, this is an object with the
following keys (TODO: this stuff should be moved):
- `ciphertext` (string): the encrypted version of the session key, as an
unpadded base64 string. See below for how the session key is encoded.
- `ephemeral` (string): the public ephemeral curve25519 key that was used to
encrypt the session key, as an unpadded base64 string.
6 years ago
- `mac` (string): the message authentication code for the ciphertext. FIXME:
more details
On success, returns the empty JSON object.
6 years ago
Error codes:
- `M_WRONG_ROOM_KEYS_VERSION`: the version specified does not match the current
backup version
##### `PUT /room_keys/keys/${roomId}?version=$v`
Store several keys for the given room, using the given backup version.
Behaves the same way as if the keys were added individually using `PUT
Body parameters:
- `sessions` (object): an object where the keys are the session IDs, and the
values are objects of the same form as the body in `PUT
6 years ago
Returns the same as `PUT
##### `PUT /room_keys/keys?version=$v`
Store several keys, using the given backup version.
Behaves the same way as if the keys were added individually using `PUT
Body parameters:
- `rooms` (object): an object where the keys are the room IDs, and the values
are objects of the same form as the body in `PUT
Returns the same as `PUT
#### Retrieving keys
##### `GET /room_keys/keys/${roomId}/${sessionId}?version=$v`
Retrieve the key for the given session in the given room from the backup.
On success, returns a JSON object in the same form as the request body of `PUT
##### `GET /room_keys/keys/${roomId}?version=$v`
Retrieve the all the keys for the given room from the backup.
On success, returns a JSON object in the same form as the request body of `PUT
##### `GET /room_keys/keys?version=$v`
Retrieve all the keys from the backup.
On success, returns a JSON object in the same form as the request body of `PUT
#### Deleting keys
##### `DELETE /room_keys/keys/${roomId}/${sessionId}?version=$v`
##### `DELETE /room_keys/keys/${roomId}?version=$v`
##### `DELETE /room_keys/keys/?version=$v`
Deletes keys from the backup.
On success, returns the empty JSON object.
#### `m.megolm_backup.v1.curve25519-aes-sha2` Key format
6 years ago
Each session key is encoded as a JSON object with the properties:
6 years ago
- `algorithm` (string): `m.megolm.v1.aes-sha2`
- `sender_key` (string): base64-encoded device curve25519 key
- `sender_claimed_keys` (object): object containing the identity keys for the
sending device
- `forwardingCurve25519KeyChain` (array): zero or more curve25519 keys for
devices who forwarded the session key
- `session_key` (string): base64-encoded (unpadded) session key
6 years ago
The JSON object is then encrypted by generating an ephemeral curve25519 key,
performing an ECDH with the ephemeral key and the backup's public key to
generate an AES key, and encrypting the stringified object using AES.
Security Considerations
An attacker who gains access to a user's account can delete or corrupt their
key backup. This proposal does not attempt to protect against that.
6 years ago
An attacker who gains access to a user's account can create a new backup
version using a key that they control. For this reason, clients SHOULD confirm
with users before sending keys to a new backup version.
Other Issues
Since many clients will receive encryption keys at around the same time, they
will all want to back up their copies of the keys at around the same time,
which may increase load on the server if this happens in a big room. (TODO:
how much of an issue is this?) For this reason, clients should offset their
backup requests randomly.