# Copyright 2018 New Vector Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. swagger: '2.0' info: title: "Matrix Federation Invite User To Room API" version: "1.0.0" host: localhost:8448 schemes: - https basePath: /_matrix/federation/v1 produces: - application/json paths: "/invite/{roomId}/{eventId}": put: summary: Invites a remote user to a room description: |- Invites a remote user to a room. Once the event has been signed by both the inviting homeserver and the invited homeserver, it can be sent to all of the servers in the room by the inviting homeserver. operationId: sendInvite parameters: - in: path name: roomId type: string description: The room ID that the user is being invited to. required: true x-example: "!abc123:matrix.org" - in: path name: eventId type: string description: The event ID for the invite event, generated by the inviting server. required: true x-example: "$abc123:example.org" - in: body name: body type: object required: true schema: allOf: - $ref: "definitions/invite_event.yaml" - type: object properties: unsigned: type: object title: Unsigned Event Content description: |- Information included alongside the event that is not signed. May include more than what is listed here. properties: invite_room_state: type: array description: |- An optional list of simplified events to help the receiver of the invite identify the room. The recommended events to include are the join rules, canonical alias, avatar, and name of the room. items: type: object title: Invite Room State Event properties: type: type: string description: The type of event. example: "m.room.join_rules" state_key: type: string description: The state key for the event. May be an empty string. example: "" content: type: object description: The content for the event. sender: type: string description: The sender of the event. example: "@someone:matrix.org" required: ['type', 'state_key', 'content', 'sender'] example: [ { "type": "m.room.join_rules", "sender": "@someone:matrix.org", "state_key": "", "content": { "join_rule": "public" } } ] example: { "$ref": "examples/pdu.json", "type": "m.room.member", "state_key": "@joe:elsewhere.com", "unsigned": { "invite_room_state": [ { "type": "m.room.join_rules", "sender": "@someone:matrix.org", "state_key": "", "content": { "join_rule": "public" } }, { "type": "m.room.name", "sender": "@someone:matrix.org", "state_key": "", "content": { "name": "Cool New Room" } } ] }, "content": { "membership": "invite" }, "signatures": { "example.com": { "ed25519:key_version": "SomeSignatureHere" }, } } responses: 200: description: |- The event with the invited server's signature added. All other fields of the events should remain untouched. schema: type: array minItems: 2 maxItems: 2 items: - type: integer description: The value ``200``. example: 200 - type: object description: An object containing the signed invite event. title: Event Container properties: event: $ref: "definitions/invite_event.yaml" required: ['event'] examples: application/json: [ 200, { "event": { "$ref": "examples/pdu.json", "type": "m.room.member", "state_key": "@someone:example.org", "unsigned": { "invite_room_state": [ { "type": "m.room.join_rules", "sender": "@someone:matrix.org", "state_key": "", "content": { "join_rule": "public" } }, { "type": "m.room.name", "sender": "@someone:matrix.org", "state_key": "", "content": { "name": "Cool New Room" } } ] }, "content": { "membership": "invite" }, "signatures": { "example.com": { "ed25519:key_version": "SomeSignatureHere" }, "elsewhere.com": { "ed25519:k3y_versi0n": "SomeOtherSignatureHere" } } } } ] 403: description: |- The invite is not allowed. This could be for a number of reasons, including: * The sender is not allowed to send invites to the target user/homeserver. * The homeserver does not permit anyone to invite its users. * The homeserver refuses to participate in the room. schema: $ref: "../client-server/definitions/errors/error.yaml" examples: application/json: { "errcode": "M_FORBIDDEN", "error": "User cannot invite the target user." }