{{/* This template is used to render an HTTP API, given an OpenAPI/Swagger definition. It expects to be passed two parameters: * a `spec` parameter identifying the spec, which must be the name of a directory under /data/api * an `api` parameter, identifying an OpenAPI/Swagger definition, which is the name of a schema file under "data/api/$spec". The file extension is omitted. For example: {{% http-api spec="server-server" api="public_rooms" %}} This template replaces the old {{*_http_api}} template. */}} {{ $spec := .Params.spec}} {{ $api := .Params.api}} {{ $api_data := index .Site.Data.api .Params.spec .Params.api }} {{ $base_url := replace $api_data.basePath "%CLIENT_MAJOR_VERSION%" "r0" }} {{ $path := delimit (slice "api" $spec) "/" }} {{ partial "openapi/render-api" (dict "api_data" $api_data "base_url" $base_url "path" $path) }}