swagger: '2.0' info: title: "Matrix Client-Server Push Rules API" version: "1.0.0" host: localhost:8008 schemes: - https - http basePath: /_matrix/client/%CLIENT_MAJOR_VERSION% consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json securityDefinitions: $ref: definitions/security.yaml paths: "/pushrules/": get: summary: Retrieve all push rulesets. description: |- Retrieve all push rulesets for this user. Clients can "drill-down" on the rulesets by suffixing a ``scope`` to this path e.g. ``/pushrules/global/``. This will return a subset of this data under the specified key e.g. the ``global`` key. security: - accessToken: [] responses: 200: description: All the push rulesets for this user. schema: type: object required: ["global"] properties: global: type: object description: The global ruleset. title: Ruleset allOf: [ "$ref": "definitions/push_ruleset.yaml" ] examples: application/json: |- { "global": { "content": [ { "actions": [ "notify", { "set_tweak": "sound", "value": "default" }, { "set_tweak": "highlight" } ], "default": true, "enabled": true, "pattern": "alice", "rule_id": ".m.rule.contains_user_name" } ], "override": [ { "actions": [ "dont_notify" ], "conditions": [], "default": true, "enabled": false, "rule_id": ".m.rule.master" }, { "actions": [ "dont_notify" ], "conditions": [ { "key": "content.msgtype", "kind": "event_match", "pattern": "m.notice" } ], "default": true, "enabled": true, "rule_id": ".m.rule.suppress_notices" } ], "room": [], "sender": [], "underride": [ { "actions": [ "notify", { "set_tweak": "sound", "value": "ring" }, { "set_tweak": "highlight", "value": false } ], "conditions": [ { "key": "type", "kind": "event_match", "pattern": "m.call.invite" } ], "default": true, "enabled": true, "rule_id": ".m.rule.call" }, { "actions": [ "notify", { "set_tweak": "sound", "value": "default" }, { "set_tweak": "highlight" } ], "conditions": [ { "kind": "contains_display_name" } ], "default": true, "enabled": true, "rule_id": ".m.rule.contains_display_name" }, { "actions": [ "notify", { "set_tweak": "sound", "value": "default" }, { "set_tweak": "highlight", "value": false } ], "conditions": [ { "is": "2", "kind": "room_member_count" } ], "default": true, "enabled": true, "rule_id": ".m.rule.room_one_to_one" }, { "actions": [ "notify", { "set_tweak": "sound", "value": "default" }, { "set_tweak": "highlight", "value": false } ], "conditions": [ { "key": "type", "kind": "event_match", "pattern": "m.room.member" }, { "key": "content.membership", "kind": "event_match", "pattern": "invite" }, { "key": "state_key", "kind": "event_match", "pattern": "@alice:example.com" } ], "default": true, "enabled": true, "rule_id": ".m.rule.invite_for_me" }, { "actions": [ "notify", { "set_tweak": "highlight", "value": false } ], "conditions": [ { "key": "type", "kind": "event_match", "pattern": "m.room.member" } ], "default": true, "enabled": true, "rule_id": ".m.rule.member_event" }, { "actions": [ "notify", { "set_tweak": "highlight", "value": false } ], "conditions": [ { "key": "type", "kind": "event_match", "pattern": "m.room.message" } ], "default": true, "enabled": true, "rule_id": ".m.rule.message" } ] } } tags: - Push notifications "/pushrules/{scope}/{kind}/{ruleId}": get: summary: Retrieve a push rule. description: |- Retrieve a single specified push rule. security: - accessToken: [] parameters: - in: path type: string name: scope required: true x-example: "global" description: |- ``global`` to specify global rules. - in: path type: string name: kind required: true x-example: room enum: ["override", "underride", "sender", "room", "content"] description: | The kind of rule - in: path type: string name: ruleId required: true x-example: "#spam:example.com" description: | The identifier for the rule. responses: 200: description: |- The specific push rule. This will also include keys specific to the rule itself such as the rule's ``actions`` and ``conditions`` if set. examples: application/json: |- { "actions": [ "dont_notify" ], "rule_id": "#spam:matrix.org", "enabled": true } schema: type: object description: The push rule. title: PushRule allOf: [ "$ref": "definitions/push_rule.yaml" ] tags: - Push notifications delete: summary: Delete a push rule. description: |- This endpoint removes the push rule defined in the path. security: - accessToken: [] parameters: - in: path type: string name: scope required: true x-example: "global" description: |- ``global`` to specify global rules. - in: path type: string name: kind required: true x-example: room enum: ["override", "underride", "sender", "room", "content"] description: | The kind of rule - in: path type: string name: ruleId required: true x-example: "#spam:example.com" description: | The identifier for the rule. responses: 200: description: The push rule was deleted. examples: application/json: |- {} schema: type: object # empty json object tags: - Push notifications put: summary: Add or change a push rule. description: |- This endpoint allows the creation, modification and deletion of pushers for this user ID. The behaviour of this endpoint varies depending on the values in the JSON body. security: - accessToken: [] parameters: - in: path type: string name: scope required: true x-example: "global" description: |- ``global`` to specify global rules. - in: path type: string name: kind required: true x-example: room enum: ["override", "underride", "sender", "room", "content"] description: | The kind of rule - in: path type: string name: ruleId required: true x-example: "#spam:example.com" description: | The identifier for the rule. - in: query type: string name: before required: false x-example: someRuleId description: |- Use 'before' with a ``rule_id`` as its value to make the new rule the next-most important rule with respect to the given user defined rule. It is not possible to add a rule relative to a predefined server rule. - in: query type: string name: after required: false x-example: anotherRuleId description: |- This makes the new rule the next-less important rule relative to the given user defined rule. It is not possible to add a rule relative to a predefined server rule. - in: body name: pushrule description: |- The push rule data. Additional top-level keys may be present depending on the parameters for the rule ``kind``. required: true schema: type: object example: |- { "pattern": "cake*lie", "actions": ["notify"] } properties: actions: type: array description: |- The action(s) to perform when the conditions for this rule are met. items: type: string enum: ["notify", "dont_notify", "coalesce", "set_tweak"] # TODO: type: object e.g. {"set_sound":"beeroclock.wav"} :/ conditions: type: array description: |- The conditions that must hold true for an event in order for a rule to be applied to an event. A rule with no conditions always matches. items: type: object title: conditions allOf: [ "$ref": "definitions/push_condition.yaml" ] required: ["actions"] responses: 200: description: The pusher was set. examples: application/json: |- {} schema: type: object # empty json object 400: description: There was a problem configuring this push rule. examples: application/json: |- { "error": "before/after rule not found: someRuleId", "errcode": "M_UNKNOWN" } schema: type: object 429: description: This request was rate-limited. schema: "$ref": "definitions/error.yaml" tags: - Push notifications "/pushrules/{scope}/{kind}/{ruleId}/enabled": get: summary: "Get whether a push rule is enabled" description: This endpoint gets whether the specified push rule is enabled. security: - accessToken: [] parameters: - in: path type: string name: scope required: true x-example: "global" description: |- Either ``global`` or ``device/`` to specify global rules or device rules for the given ``profile_tag``. - in: path type: string name: kind required: true x-example: room enum: ["override", "underride", "sender", "room", "content"] description: | The kind of rule - in: path type: string name: ruleId required: true x-example: "#spam:example.com" description: | The identifier for the rule. responses: 200: description: Whether the push rule is enabled. examples: application/json: |- { "enabled": true } schema: type: object properties: enabled: type: boolean description: Whether the push rule is enabled or not. required: ["enabled"] put: summary: "Enable or disable a push rule." description: |- This endpoint allows clients to enable or disable the specified push rule. security: - accessToken: [] parameters: - in: path type: string name: scope required: true x-example: "global" description: |- ``global`` to specify global rules. - in: path type: string name: kind required: true x-example: room enum: ["override", "underride", "sender", "room", "content"] description: | The kind of rule - in: path type: string name: ruleId required: true x-example: "#spam:example.com" description: | The identifier for the rule. - in: body name: body description: | Whether the push rule is enabled or not. required: true schema: type: object properties: enabled: type: boolean description: Whether the push rule is enabled or not. required: ["enabled"] example: |- { "enabled": true } responses: 200: description: The push rule was enabled or disabled. examples: application/json: |- {} schema: type: object tags: - Push notifications "/pushrules/{scope}/{kind}/{ruleId}/actions": get: summary: "The actions for a push rule" description: This endpoint get the actions for the specified push rule. security: - accessToken: [] parameters: - in: path type: string name: scope required: true x-example: "global" description: |- Either ``global`` or ``device/`` to specify global rules or device rules for the given ``profile_tag``. - in: path type: string name: kind required: true x-example: room enum: ["override", "underride", "sender", "room", "content"] description: | The kind of rule - in: path type: string name: ruleId required: true x-example: "#spam:example.com" description: | The identifier for the rule. responses: 200: description: The actions for this push rule. examples: application/json: |- { "actions": ["notify"] } schema: type: object properties: actions: type: array description: The action(s) to perform for this rule. items: type: string required: ["actions"] put: summary: "Set the actions for a push rule." description: |- This endpoint allows clients to change the actions of a push rule. This can be used to change the actions of builtin rules. security: - accessToken: [] parameters: - in: path type: string name: scope required: true x-example: "global" description: |- ``global`` to specify global rules. - in: path type: string name: kind required: true x-example: room enum: ["override", "underride", "sender", "room", "content"] description: | The kind of rule - in: path type: string name: ruleId required: true x-example: "#spam:example.com" description: | The identifier for the rule. - in: body name: body description: | The action(s) to perform when the conditions for this rule are met. required: true schema: type: object properties: actions: type: array description: The action(s) to perform for this rule. items: type: string enum: ["notify", "dont_notify", "coalesce", "set_tweak"] # TODO: type: object e.g. {"set_sound":"beeroclock.wav"} :/ required: ["actions"] example: |- { "actions": ["notify"] } responses: 200: description: The actions for the push rule were set. examples: application/json: |- {} schema: type: object tags: - Push notifications