This repository contains the Matrix specification. Note that the Matrix Project lists, which were previously kept in this repository, are now in Structure of this repository ============================ - ``api`` : `OpenAPI`_ (swagger) specifications for the the HTTP APIs. - ``attic``: historical sections of specification for reference purposes. - ``changelogs``: change logs for the various parts of the specification. - ``drafts``: Previously, contained documents which were under discussion for future incusion into the specification and/or supporting documentation. This is now historical, as we use separate discussion documents (see ``_). - ``event-schemas``: the `JSON Schema`_ for all Matrix events contained in the specification, along with example JSON files. - ``meta``: documents outlining the processes involved when writing documents, e.g. documentation style, guidelines. - ``scripts``: scripts to generate formatted versions of the documentation, typically HTML. - ``specification``: the specification split up into sections. - ``templating``: the templates and templating system used to generate the spec. .. _OpenAPI: .. _JSON Schema: Contributing ============ If you want to ask more about the specification, join us on ` `_. If you would like to contribute to the specification or supporting documentation, see ``_. Building the specification ========================== The Matrix Spec is generated by a set of scripts, from the RST documents, API specs and event schemas in this repository. Preparation ----------- To use the scripts, it is best to create a Python virtualenv as follows:: virtualenv env env/bin/pip install -r scripts/requirements.txt (Benjamin Synders has contributed a script for `Nix`_ users, which can be invoked with ``nix-shell scripts/contrib/shell.nix``.) .. TODO: Possibly we need some libs installed; should record what they are. .. _`Nix`: Generating the specification ---------------------------- To rebuild the specification, use ``scripts/``:: source env/bin/activate ./scripts/ The above will write the rendered version of the specification to ``scripts/gen``. To view it, point your browser at ``scripts/gen/index.html``. Generating the OpenAPI (Swagger) specs -------------------------------------- `Swagger`_ is a framework for representing RESTful APIs. We use it to generate interactive documentation for our APIs. Before the Swagger docs can be used in the Swagger UI (or other tool expecting a Swagger specs, they must be combined into a single json file. This can be done as follows:: source env/bin/activate ./ By default, ``dump-swagger`` will write to ``scripts/swagger/api-docs.json``. To make use of the generated file, there are a number of options: * It can be uploaded from your filesystem to an online editor/viewer such as * You can run a local HTTP server by running ``./scripts/``, and then view the documentation via an online viewer; for example, at * You can host the swagger UI yourself. See for advice on how to do so. .. _`Swagger`: Issue tracking ============== Issues with the Matrix specification and supporting documentation are tracked in `GitHub `_. The following labels are used to help categorize issues: `spec-omission `_ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Things which have been implemented but not currently specified. These may range from entire API endpoints, to particular options or return parameters. Issues with this label will have been implemented in `Synapse `_. Normally there will be a design document in Google Docs or similar which describes the feature. Examples: * `Spec PUT /directory/list `_ * `Unspec'd server_name request param for /join/{roomIdOrAlias} `_ `clarification `_ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An area where the spec could do with being more explicit. Examples: * `Spec the implicit limit on /syncs `_ * `Clarify the meaning of the currently_active flags in presence events `_ `bug `_ ------------------------------------------------------------ Something which is in the spec, but is wrong. Note: this is *not* for things that are badly designed or don't work well (for which see 'improvement' or 'feature') - it is for places where the spec doesn't match reality. Examples: * `swagger is wrong for directory PUT `_ * `receipts section still refers to initialSync `_ `improvement `_ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A suggestion for a relaatively simple improvement to the protocol. Examples: * `We need a 'remove 3PID' API so that users can remove mappings `_ * `We should mandate that /publicRooms requires an access_token `_ `feature `_ -------------------------------------------------------------------- A suggestion for a significant extension to the matrix protocol which needs considerable consideration before implementation. Examples: * `Peer-to-peer Matrix `_ * `Specify a means for clients to "edit" previous messages `_