steps: - label: ":snake: Build swagger definitions for" command: # Install the python dependencies necessary to build the spec - python3 -m venv env && . env/bin/activate - pip install -r scripts/requirements.txt # Build the spec - scripts/generate-matrix-org-assets artifact_paths: - assets.tar.gz plugins: - docker#v3.7.0: image: python:3.9 - label: "rebuild" trigger: "matrix-dot-org" async: true branches: "main" - label: ":books: Build the spec" command: # Install package dependencies - apk add nodejs npm git hugo # Install the node dependencies necessary to build the spec - npm i # Pull all git submodules, required for the hugo theme - git submodule update --init --recursive # Pull current proposal information - npm run get-proposals # Build the spec, will build to './spec' # Set the baseURL as we're deploying to - hugo --baseURL "/unstable" -d "spec" # Compress the result and make it available as an artifact - tar -czf spec.tar.gz spec artifact_paths: - spec.tar.gz plugins: - docker#v3.7.0: image: alpine