This repository contains the documentation for Matrix. Structure ========= - ``api`` : Contains the HTTP API specification. - ``attic``: Contains historical sections of specification for reference purposes. - ``changelogs``: Contains change logs for the various parts of the specification. - ``drafts``: Previously, contained documents which were under discussion for future incusion into the specification and/or supporting documentation. This is now historical, as we use separate discussion documents (see ``_). - ``event-schemas``: Contains the `JSON Schema`_ for all Matrix events contained in the specification, along with example JSON files. - ``meta``: Contains documents outlining the processes involved when writing documents, e.g. documentation style, guidelines. - ``scripts``: Contains scripts to generate formatted versions of the documentation, typically HTML. - ``specification``: Contains the specification split up into sections. - ``supporting-docs``: Contains additional documents which explain design decisions, examples, use cases, etc. - ``templating``: Contains the templates and templating system used to generate the spec. Contributing ============ Known issues with the specification are represented as JIRA issues at ``_. If you want to ask more about the specification, join us on ` `_. If you would like to contribute to the specification or supporting documentation, see ``_. .. _JSON Schema: