# Copyright 2018 New Vector Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. swagger: '2.0' info: title: "Matrix Identity Service Establishing Associations API" version: "1.0.0" host: localhost:8090 schemes: - https basePath: /_matrix/identity/api/v1 consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json paths: "/3pid/getValidated3pid": get: summary: Check whether ownership of a 3pid was validated. description: |- Determines if a given 3pid has been validated by a user. operationId: getValidated3pid parameters: - in: query type: string name: sid description: The Session ID generated by the ``requestToken`` call. required: true x-example: 1234 - in: query type: string name: client_secret description: The client secret passed to the ``requestToken`` call. required: true x-example: monkeys_are_GREAT responses: 200: description: Validation information for the session. examples: application/json: { "medium": "email", "validated_at": 1457622739026, "address": "louise@bobs.burgers" } schema: type: object properties: medium: type: string description: The medium type of the 3pid. address: type: string description: The address of the 3pid being looked up. validated_at: type: integer description: |- Timestamp, in milliseconds, indicating the time that the 3pid was validated. required: ['medium', 'address', 'validated_at'] 400: description: |- The session has not been validated. If the session has not been validated, then ``errcode`` will be ``M_SESSION_NOT_VALIDATED``. If the session has timed out, then ``errcode`` will be ``M_SESSION_EXPIRED``. examples: application/json: { "errcode": "M_SESSION_NOT_VALIDATED", "error": "This validation session has not yet been completed" } schema: $ref: "../client-server/definitions/errors/error.yaml" 404: description: The Session ID or client secret were not found. examples: application/json: { "errcode": "M_NO_VALID_SESSION", "error": "No valid session was found matching that sid and client secret" } schema: $ref: "../client-server/definitions/errors/error.yaml" "/3pid/bind": post: summary: Publish an association between a session and a Matrix user ID. description: |- Publish an association between a session and a Matrix user ID. Future calls to ``/lookup`` for any of the session\'s 3pids will return this association. Note: for backwards compatibility with previous drafts of this specification, the parameters may also be specified as ``application/x-form-www-urlencoded`` data. However, this usage is deprecated. operationId: bind parameters: - in: body name: body schema: type: object example: { "sid": "1234", "client_secret": "monkeys_are_GREAT", "mxid": "@ears:matrix.org" } properties: sid: type: string description: The Session ID generated by the ``requestToken`` call. client_secret: type: string description: The client secret passed to the ``requestToken`` call. mxid: type: string description: The Matrix user ID to associate with the 3pids. required: ["sid", "client_secret", "mxid"] responses: 200: description: The association was published. examples: application/json: { "address": "louise@bobs.burgers", "medium": "email", "mxid": "@ears:matrix.org", "not_before": 1428825849161, "not_after": 4582425849161, "ts": 1428825849161, "signatures": { "matrix.org": { "ed25519:0": "ENiU2YORYUJgE6WBMitU0mppbQjidDLanAusj8XS2nVRHPu+0t42OKA/r6zV6i2MzUbNQ3c3MiLScJuSsOiVDQ" } } } schema: type: object properties: address: type: string description: The 3pid address of the user being looked up. medium: type: string description: The medium type of the 3pid. mxid: type: string description: The Matrix user ID associated with the 3pid. not_before: type: integer description: A unix timestamp before which the association is not known to be valid. not_after: type: integer description: A unix timestamp after which the association is not known to be valid. ts: type: integer description: The unix timestamp at which the association was verified. signatures: type: object description: |- The signatures of the verifying identity servers which show that the association should be trusted, if you trust the verifying identity services. $ref: "../../schemas/server-signatures.yaml" required: - address - medium - mxid - not_before - not_after - ts - signatures 400: description: |- The association was not published. If the session has not been validated, then ``errcode`` will be ``M_SESSION_NOT_VALIDATED``. If the session has timed out, then ``errcode`` will be ``M_SESSION_EXPIRED``. examples: application/json: { "errcode": "M_SESSION_NOT_VALIDATED", "error": "This validation session has not yet been completed" } schema: $ref: "../client-server/definitions/errors/error.yaml" 404: description: The Session ID or client secret were not found examples: application/json: { "errcode": "M_NO_VALID_SESSION", "error": "No valid session was found matching that sid and client secret" } schema: $ref: "../client-server/definitions/errors/error.yaml"