#!/usr/bin/env python """ Builds the Matrix Specification as restructed text (RST). Architecture ============ +-------+ +----------+ | units |-+ | sections |-+ +-------+ |-+ === used to create ==> +----------- | === used to create ==> SPEC +-------+ | +----------+ +--------+ RAW DATA (e.g. json) Blobs of RST Units ===== Units are random bits of unprocessed data, e.g. schema JSON files. Anything can be done to them, from processing it with Jinja to arbitrary python processing. They are dicts. Sections ======== Sections are short segments of RST. They will be in the final spec, but they are unordered. They typically use a combination of templates + units to construct bits of RST. Skeleton ======== The skeleton is a single RST file which is passed through a templating system to replace variable names with sections. Processing ========== - Execute all unit functions to load units into memory and process them. - Execute all section functions (which can now be done because the units exist) - Execute the skeleton function to bring it into a single file. Checks ====== - Any units made which were not used at least once will produce a warning. - Any sections made but not used in the skeleton will produce a warning. """ from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader, StrictUndefined, Template from argparse import ArgumentParser, FileType import json import os import sys import internal.units import internal.sections def load_units(): print "Loading units..." return internal.units.load() def load_sections(env, units): print "\nLoading sections..." return internal.sections.load(env, units) def create_from_template(template, sections): return template.render(sections.data) def check_unaccessed(name, store): unaccessed_keys = store.get_unaccessed_set() if len(unaccessed_keys) > 0: print "Found %s unused %s keys." % (len(unaccessed_keys), name) print unaccessed_keys def main(file_stream=None, out_dir=None): if out_dir and not os.path.exists(out_dir): os.makedirs(out_dir) # add a template filter to produce pretty pretty JSON def jsonify(input, indent=None, pre_whitespace=0): code = json.dumps(input, indent=indent) if pre_whitespace: code = code.replace("\n", ("\n" +" "*pre_whitespace)) return code def indent(input, indent): return input.replace("\n", ("\n" + " "*indent)) # make Jinja aware of the templates and filters env = Environment( loader=FileSystemLoader("templates"), undefined=StrictUndefined ) env.filters["jsonify"] = jsonify env.filters["indent"] = indent # load up and parse the lowest single units possible: we don't know or care # which spec section will use it, we just need it there in memory for when # they want it. units = load_units() # use the units to create RST sections sections = load_sections(env, units) # print out valid section keys if no file supplied if not file_stream: print "\nValid template variables:" for key in sections.keys(): print " %s" % key return # check the input files and substitute in sections where required print "Parsing input template: %s" % file_stream.name temp = Template(file_stream.read()) print "Creating output for: %s" % file_stream.name output = create_from_template(temp, sections) with open(os.path.join(out_dir, file_stream.name), "w") as f: f.write(output) print "Output file for: %s" % file_stream.name check_unaccessed("units", units) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = ArgumentParser( "Process a file (typically .rst) and replace templated areas with spec"+ " info. For a list of possible template variables, add"+ " --show-template-vars." ) parser.add_argument( "file", nargs="?", type=FileType('r'), help="The input file to process." ) parser.add_argument( "--out-directory", "-o", help="The directory to output the file to."+ " Default: /out", default="out" ) parser.add_argument( "--show-template-vars", "-s", action="store_true", help="Show a list of all possible variables you can use in the"+ " input file." ) args = parser.parse_args() if (args.show_template_vars): main() sys.exit(0) if not args.file: print "No file supplied." parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) main(file_stream=args.file, out_dir=args.out_directory)