swagger: '2.0' info: title: "Matrix Client-Server v1 Room Membership API" version: "1.0.0" host: localhost:8008 schemes: - https - http basePath: /_matrix/client/api/v1 consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json securityDefinitions: accessToken: type: apiKey description: The user_id or application service access_token name: access_token in: query paths: "/rooms/{roomId}/join": post: summary: Start the requesting user participating in a particular room. description: |- This API starts a user participating in a particular room, if that user is allowed to participate in that room. After this call, the client is allowed to see all current state events in the room, and all subsequent events associated with the room until the user leaves the room. After a user has joined a room, the room will appear as an entry in the response of the |initialSync| API. security: - accessToken: [] parameters: - in: path type: string name: roomId description: The room identifier or room alias to join. required: true x-example: "#monkeys:matrix.org" responses: 200: description: |- The room has been joined. The joined room ID must be returned in the ``room_id`` field. examples: application/json: |- {"room_id": "!d41d8cd:matrix.org"} schema: type: object 403: description: |- You do not have permission to join the room. A meaningful ``errcode`` and description error text will be returned. Example reasons for rejection are: - The room is invite-only and the user was not invited. - The user has been banned from the room. examples: application/json: |- {"errcode": "M_FORBIDDEN", "error": "You are not invited to this room."} 429: description: This request was rate-limited. schema: "$ref": "definitions/error.yaml" x-alias: canonical-link: "post-matrix-client-api-v1-rooms-roomid-join" aliases: - /join/{roomId} "/rooms/{roomId}/invite": post: summary: Invite a user to participate in a particular room. description: |- This API invites a user to participate in a particular room. They do not start participating in the room until they actually join the room. This serves two purposes; firstly, to notify the user that the room exists (and that their presence is requested). Secondly, some rooms can only be joined if a user is invited to join it; sending the invite gives that user permission to join the room. Only users currently in a particular room can invite other users to join that room. security: - accessToken: [] parameters: - in: path type: string name: roomId description: The room identifier (not alias) to which to invite the user. required: true x-example: "!d41d8cd:matrix.org" - in: body name: user_id required: true schema: type: object example: |- { "user_id": "@cheeky_monkey:matrix.org" } properties: user_id: type: string description: The fully qualified user ID of the invitee. required: ["user_id"] responses: 200: description: The user has been invited to join the room. examples: application/json: |- {} schema: type: object # empty json object 403: description: |- You do not have permission to invite the user to the room. A meaningful ``errcode`` and description error text will be returned. Example reasons for rejections are: - The invitee has been banned from the room. - The invitee is already a member of the room. - The inviter is not currently in the room. - The inviter's power level is insufficient to invite users to the room. examples: application/json: |- {"errcode": "M_FORBIDDEN", "error": "@cheeky_monkey:matrix.org is banned from the room"} 429: description: This request was rate-limited. schema: "$ref": "definitions/error.yaml"