--- allOf: - $ref: core-event-schema/room_event.yaml description: 'The `m.notice` type is primarily intended for responses from automated clients. An `m.notice` message must be treated the same way as a regular `m.text` message with two exceptions. Firstly, clients should present `m.notice` messages to users in a distinct manner, and secondly, `m.notice` messages must never be automatically responded to. This helps to prevent infinite-loop situations where two automated clients continuously exchange messages.' properties: content: properties: body: description: The notice text to send. type: string msgtype: enum: - m.notice type: string format: description: |- The format used in the `formatted_body`. Currently only `org.matrix.custom.html` is supported. type: string formatted_body: description: |- The formatted version of the `body`. This is required if `format` is specified. type: string required: - msgtype - body type: object type: enum: - m.room.message type: string title: NoticeMessage type: object