swagger: '2.0' info: title: "Matrix Client-Server Event Context API" version: "1.0.0" host: localhost:8008 schemes: - https - http basePath: /_matrix/client/api/%CLIENT_MAJOR_VERSION% consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json securityDefinitions: accessToken: type: apiKey description: The user_id or application service access_token name: access_token in: query paths: "/rooms/{roomId}/context/{eventId}": get: summary: Get events and state around the specified event. description: |- This API returns a number of events that happened just before and after the specified event. This allows clients to get the context surrounding an event. security: - accessToken: [] parameters: - in: path type: string name: roomId description: The room to get events from. required: true x-example: "!636q39766251:example.com" - in: path type: string name: eventId description: The event to get context around. required: true x-example: "$f3h4d129462ha:example.com" - in: query type: integer name: limit description: |- The maximum number of events to return. Default: 10. x-example: 3 responses: 200: description: The events and state surrounding the requested event. schema: type: object description: The events and state surrounding the requested event. properties: start: type: string description: |- A token that can be used to paginate backwards with. end: type: string description: |- A token that can be used to paginate forwards with. events_before: type: array description: |- A list of room events that happened just before the requested event. items: type: object title: RoomEvent events_after: type: array description: |- A list of room events that happened just after the requested event. items: type: object title: RoomEvent state: type: array description: |- The state of the room at the last event returned. items: type: object title: RoomEvent examples: application/json: |- { "end": "t29-57_2_0_2", "events_after": [ { "age": 91911336, "content": { "body": "7", "msgtype": "m.text" }, "event_id": "$14460306086CiUaL:localhost:8480", "origin_server_ts": 1446030608551, "room_id": "!sCDvXTtzjpiPxaqkkt:localhost:8480", "type": "m.room.message", "user_id": "@test:localhost:8480" } ], "events_before": [ { "age": 91911903, "content": { "body": "5", "msgtype": "m.text" }, "event_id": "$14460306074UYTlh:localhost:8480", "origin_server_ts": 1446030607984, "room_id": "!sCDvXTtzjpiPxaqkkt:localhost:8480", "type": "m.room.message", "user_id": "@test:localhost:8480" } ], "start": "t27-54_2_0_2", "state": [ { "age": 3123715284, "content": { "creator": "@test:localhost:8480" }, "event_id": "$14429988040dgQAE:localhost:8480", "origin_server_ts": 1442998804603, "room_id": "!sCDvXTtzjpiPxaqkkt:localhost:8480", "state_key": "", "type": "m.room.create", "user_id": "@test:localhost:8480" }, { "age": 2067105053, "content": { "avatar_url": "mxc://localhost:8480/tVWZTAIIfqtXMZZtmGCkVjTD#auto", "displayname": "Bob2", "membership": "join" }, "event_id": "$14440554144URDbf:localhost:8480", "origin_server_ts": 1444055414834, "replaces_state": "$14440552472PgiGk:localhost:8480", "room_id": "!sCDvXTtzjpiPxaqkkt:localhost:8480", "state_key": "@test:localhost:8480", "type": "m.room.member", "user_id": "@test:localhost:8480" } ] } 403: description: > You aren't a member of the room.