General UI/UX requirements: =========================== - Live updates - No flicker: * Sending message (local echo) * Receiving images (encoding w/h) * Scrollback * Resolving display names (from user ID) - Fast startup times - Fast "opening room" times (esp. when clicking through from a notification) - Low latency file transfer. Use cases --------- - #1: Lightweight IM client (no perm storage) - e.g. Web client - #2: Bug tracking software - #3: Forum - #4: Google + style communities - #5: Mobile IM client (perm storage) - #6: MIDI client - #7: Animatrix client - #8: Unity object trees - #9: Social Network ("Walls", PMs, groups) - #10: Minecraft-clone - #11: Global 'Like' widget, which links through to a room. #1 Web client UI ================ Model:: Rooms ----< Messages - name - type (call/image) - topic Home Screen What's visible: - Recent chats ordered by timestamp of latest event (with # users) - Your own display name, user ID and avatar url - A list of public rooms (with # users and alias + room name + room topic) What you can do: - Create a room (public/private, with alias) - Join a room from alias - Message a user (with user ID) - Leave a recent room - Open a room Chat Screen What's visible: - Enough scrollback to fill a "screen full" of content. - Each message: timestamp, user ID, display name at the time the message was sent, avatar URL at the time the message was sent, whether it was a bing message or not. - User list: for each user: presence, current avatar url in the room, current display name in the room, power level, ordered by when they were last speaking. - Recents list: (same as Home Screen) - Room name - Room topic - Typing notifications - Desktop/Push Notifications for messages What you can do: - Invite a user - Kick a user - Ban/Unban a user - Leave the room - Send a message (image/text/emote) - Change someone's power level - Change your own display name - Accept an incoming call - Make an outgoing call - Get older messages by scrolling up (scrollback) - Redact a message - Resend a message which was not sent Message sending: - Immediate local echo - Queue up messages which haven't been sent yet - Reordering local echo to where it actually happened VoIP: - One entry in your display for a call (which may contain duration, type, status) - Glare resolution Scrollback: - Display in reverse chronological order by the originating server's timestamp - Terminates at the start of the room (which then makes it impossible to request more scrollback) Local storage: - Driven by desire for fast startup times and minimal network traffic - Display messages from storage and from the network without any gaps in messages. - Persist scrollback if possible: Scrollback from storage first then from the network. Notifications: - Receive notifications for rooms you're interested in (explicitly or from a default) - Maybe per device. - Maybe depending on presence (e.g. idle) - Maybe depending on message volume - Maybe depending on room config options. Message contents: - images - video - rich text - audio - arbitrary files - location - vcards (potentially) User screen What's visible: - Display name - Avatar - User ID What you can do: - Start a chat with the user #2 Bug tracking UI ================== Model:: Projects ----< Issues ---< Comments - key - summary - user - name - ID - message SYN SYN-52 Fix it nooow! Landing page What's visible: - Issues assigned to me - Issues I'm watching - Recent activity on other issues (not refined to me) - List of projects What you can do: - View an issue - Create an issue - Sort issues - View a user - View a project - Search for issues (by name, time, priority, description contents, reporter, etc...) Issue page What's visible: - Summary of issue - Issue key - Project affected - Description - Comments - Priority, labels, type, purpose, etc.. - Reporter/assignee - Creation and last updated times - History of issue changes What you can do: - Comment on issue - Change issue info (labels, type, purpose, etc..) - Open/Close/Resolve the issue - Edit the issue - Watch/Unwatch the issue #3 Forum UI =========== Model:: Forum ----< Boards ----< Threads ----< Messages - Matrix - Dev - HALP! - please halp! Main page What's visible: - Categories (containing boards) - Boards (with names and # posts and tagline and latest post) What you can do: - View a board - View the latest message on a board Board page What's visible: - Threads (titles, OP, latest post date+author, # replies, # upvotes, whether the OP contains an image or hyperlink (small icon on title)) - Whether the thread is answered (with link to the answer) - Pagination for posts within a thread (1,2,3,4,5...10) - Pagination for threads within a board - List of threads in chronological order - Stickied threads What you can do: - View a user - View a thread on a particular page - View the latest message on a thread - View older threads (pagination) - Search the board Thread page What's visible: - Messages in chronological order - For each message: author, timestamp, # posts by author, avatar, registration date, status message, message contents, # views of message What you can do: - Upvote the message - Flag the message for a mod - Reply to the message - Subscribe to thread or message's RSS feed - Go to previous/next thread #4 Google+ community ==================== Model:: Community -----< Categories ----< Posts ---< Comments Kerbal SP Mods, Help Text Text (no title!) Communities page What's visible: - List of communities - For each community: # users, # posts, group pic, title What you can do: - Join a community - View a community Community Page What's visible: - Title, pic - List of categories - List of members with avatars (+ total #) - Most recent posts with comments (most recent comment if >1) What you can do: - Join the group - Post a post (with voting and options) - Report abuse - View member - Expand comments - Infinite scrolling - Add a comment to a post - Share a post - +1 a post