--- allOf: - $ref: core-event-schema/room_event.yaml description: This message represents a real-world location. properties: content: properties: body: description: "A description of the location e.g. 'Big Ben, London, UK', or some kind of content description for accessibility e.g. 'location attachment'." type: string geo_uri: description: A geo URI representing this location. type: string msgtype: enum: - m.location type: string info: type: object properties: thumbnail_url: description: The URL to a thumbnail of the location being represented. type: string thumbnail_info: allOf: - $ref: core-event-schema/msgtype_infos/thumbnail_info.yaml description: Metadata about the image referred to in ``thumbnail_url``. title: LocationInfo required: - msgtype - body - geo_uri type: object type: enum: - m.room.message type: string title: LocationMessage type: object