``{{endpoint.method}} {{endpoint.path}}`` {{(5 + (endpoint.path | length) + (endpoint.method | length)) * title_kind}} {% if "alias_for_path" in endpoint -%} ``{{endpoint.path}}`` is an alias for `{{endpoint.alias_for_path}}`_. .. _`{{endpoint.alias_for_path}}`: #{{endpoint.alias_link}} {% else -%} {{endpoint.desc | wrap(80)}} {{":Rate-limited: Yes." if endpoint.rate_limited else "" }} {{":Requires auth: Yes." if endpoint.requires_auth else "" }} Request format: ================== ================= =========================================== Parameter Value Description ================== ================= =========================================== {% for loc in endpoint.req_param_by_loc -%} *{{loc}} parameters* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% for param in endpoint.req_param_by_loc[loc] -%} {{param.key}}{{param.type|indent(19-param.key|length)}}{{param.desc|indent(18-param.type|length)|wrap(43)|indent_block(37)}} {% endfor -%} {% endfor -%} ================== ================= =========================================== {% if endpoint.res_tables|length > 0 -%} Response format: {% for table in endpoint.res_tables -%} {{"``"+table.title+"``" if table.title else "" }} =================== ================= ========================================== Param Type Description =================== ================= ========================================== {% for row in table.rows -%} {# -#} {# Row type needs to prepend spaces to line up with the type column (20 ch) -#} {# Desc needs to prepend the required text (maybe) and prepend spaces too -#} {# It also needs to then wrap inside the desc col (42 ch width) -#} {# -#} {{row.key}}{{row.type|indent(20-row.key|length)}}{{row.desc|wrap(42,row.req_str | indent(18 - (row.type|length))) |indent_block(38)}} {% endfor -%} =================== ================= ========================================== {% endfor %} {% endif -%} Example request:: {{endpoint.example.req | indent_block(2)}} {% if endpoint.example.responses|length > 0 -%} Response{{"s" if endpoint.example.responses|length > 1 else "" }}: {% endif -%} {% for res in endpoint.example.responses -%} **Status code {{res["code"]}}:** {{res["description"]}} Example .. code:: json {{res["example"] | indent_block(2)}} {% endfor %} {% endif -%}