Describe protocol + more notes

Hugh Nimmo-Smith 2 years ago
parent 0350bf8c80
commit fcc327041a

@ -19,18 +19,164 @@ It will work with devices behind NAT. It doesn't require homeserver administrato
## Proposal
It is proposed that a general purpose HTTP based protocol be used to establish ephemeral bi-directional communication
channels over which arbitrary data can be exchanged.
A typical flow might look like this where device A is initiating the rendezvous with device B:
participant A as Device A
participant R as Rendezvous Server
participant B as Device B
Note over A: Device A determines which rendezvous server to use
A->R: POST / Hello from A
R->A: 200 OK {"id": "<rendezvous ID>"}
A-->B: Rendezvous URI between clients, perhaps as QR code: https://rendzvous-server/<rendezvous ID>
Note over A: Device A starts polling for contact at the rendezvous
B->R: GET /<rendezvous ID>
R->B: 200 OK Hello from A
loop Device A polls for rendezvous updates
A->R: GET /<rendezvous ID> If-None-Match: <ETag>
R->A: 304 Not Modified
B->R: PUT /<rendezvous ID> Hello from B
R->B: 202 Accepted
Note over A,B: Rendezvous now established
Please note that it is intentional that this protocol does nothing to ensure the integrity of the data exchanged at a rendezvous.
### Protocol
`POST /`
#### Create a new rendezvous point: `POST /`
HTTP request headers:
- `Content-Type` - optional, server should assume `application/octet-stream` if not specified
HTTP request body:
- any data up to maximum size allowed by the server
HTTP response codes:
- `200 OK` - rendezvous created
- `403 Forbidden` - forbidden by server policy
- `413 Payload Too Large` - the supplied payload is too large
- `429 Too Many Requests` - the request has been rate limited
HTTP response headers for `200 OK`:
- `Content-Type` - required, always `application/json`
- `ETag` - required, ETag for the current payload at the rendezvous point as per [RFC7232](
- `Expires` - required, the expiry time of the rendezvous as per [RFC7233](
- `Last-Modified` - required, the last modified date of the payload as per [RFC7232](
HTTP response body for `200 OK`:
- `id` - required, the identifier to use with subsequent requests
- `max_bytes` - required, the maximum allowed bytes for the payload
"id": "<rendezvous id>",
"max_bytes": 102400,
#### Update payload at rendezvous point: `PUT /<rendezvous id>`
HTTP request headers:
- `Content-Type` - optional, server should assume `application/octet-stream` if not specified
- `If-Match` - optional, as per [RFC7232]( server will assume `*`
if not specified
`PUT /<channel id>`
HTTP request body:
`GET /<channel id>`
- any data up to maximum size allowed by the server
`DELETE /<channel id>`
HTTP response codes:
- `202 Accepted` - payload set
- `404 Not Found` - rendezvous ID is not valid (it could have expired)
- `413 Payload Too Large` - the supplied payload is too large
- `412 Precondition Failed` - when `If-Match` is supplied and the ETag does not match
- `429 Too Many Requests` - the request has been rate limited
HTTP response headers for `202 Accepted` and `412 Precondition Failed`:
- `ETag` - required, ETag for the current payload at the rendezvous point as per [RFC7232](
- `Expires` - required, the expiry time of the rendezvous as per [RFC7233](
- `Last-Modified` - required, the last modified date of the payload as per [RFC7232](
#### Get payload from rendezvous point: `GET /<rendezvous id>`
HTTP request headers:
- `If-None-Match` - optional, as per [RFC7232]( server will
only return data if given ETag does not match
HTTP response codes:
- `200 OK` - payload returned
- `404 Not Found` - rendezvous ID is not valid (it could have expired)
- `304 Not Modified` - when `If-None-Match` is supplied and the ETag does not match
- `429 Too Many Requests` - the request has been rate limited
HTTP response headers for `200 OK` and `304 Not Modified`:
- `ETag` - required, ETag for the current payload at the rendezvous point as per [RFC7232](
- `Expires` - required, the expiry time of the rendezvous as per [RFC7233](
- `Last-Modified` - required, the last modified date of the payload as per [RFC7232](
- `Content-Type` - required for `200 OK`
#### Cancel a rendezvous: `DELETE /<rendezvous id>`
HTTP response codes:
- `204 No Content` - rendezvous cancelled
- `404 Not Found` - rendezvous ID is not valid (it could have expired)
- `429 Too Many Requests` - the request has been rate limited
### Maximum payload size
The server should enforce a maximum payload size for the payload size. It is recommended that this be no less than 10KB.
### Maximum duration of a rendezvous
The rendezvous only needs to persist for the duration of the handshake. So a timeout such as 30 seconds is adequate.
Clients should handle the case of the rendezvous being cancelled or timed out by the server.
### ETags
The ETag generated should be unique to the rendezvous point and the last modified time so that two clients can
distinguish between identical payloads sent by either client.
### CORS
To support usage from web browsers, the server should allow CORS requests from any origin and expose the ETag header:
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-type
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET,PUT,POST,DELETE
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: ETag
### Choice of server
Ultimately it will be up to the Matrix client implementation to decide which rendezvous server to use.
@ -52,15 +198,17 @@ The proposed protocol requires the devices to have IP connectivity to the server
Try and do something with STUN or TURN or [COAP](
Rather than requiring the devices to poll for updated "long-polling" could be used instead similar to `/sync`.
## Security considerations
### Confidentiality of data
Whilst the data transmitted can be encrypted in transit via HTTP/TLS the rendezvous server does have visibility over the
data and can also perform man in the middle attacks.
As such, for the purposes of authentication and end-to-end encryption the channel should be treated as untrusted and some
form of secure layer should be used on top of the channel.
form of secure layer should be used on top of the channel such as a Diffie-Hellman key exchange.
### Denial of Service attack surface
@ -81,3 +229,8 @@ None.
## Dependencies
## Credits
This proposal was influenced by which also has some helpful discussion
around DoS mitigation.
