LeoNerd’s example Perl CLI client from Net::Async::Matrix and Tickit: [https://metacpan.org/source/PEVANS/Net-Async-Matrix-0.16/client.pl](https://metacpan.org/source/PEVANS/Net-Async-Matrix-0.16/client.pl)
Then in the Global tab, create a new Matrix network:
/networks add -type matrix Matrix
Then in the new MyNet tab for that network, configure it and connect:
/set homeserver example.org
/set user_id @me:example.org
/set access_token MDAxABCDE...
(for now, you'll have to steal the access token from another Matrix client, such as Riot or [App::MatrixTool](https://metacpan.org/pod/App::MatrixTool))