WIP http api definition for cs-v2

Matthew Hodgson 10 years ago
parent 1c69ba974f
commit e283d8e4ea

@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
Client-Server v2 HTTP API Draft
Filter API
The intersection of the parameters given defines the filter. Unions of filters
can be achieved by querying multiple filters in parallel.
XXX: Filters describe both what data to query and how to present it, so could
perhaps be better described as 'queries' or even 'subscriptions'?
XXX: Is this actually sensible - should we instead have ordering & pagination &
limits etc provided per-query rather than lost in the filter? Or you provide the
defaults in the filter definition, and then clobber them with query params.
You can define a reusable filter with the below POST API. The resulting filter_id
can then be passed to methods which can be filter.
You can only create filters for your own user (filters are namespaced per user
as they are defined per-user data, like profiles etc)
TODO: excluding filters (e.g. filter out "org.matrix.neb.*")
XXX: how do we transition between non-coalesced pagination and coalesced pagination for related_to/updates
POST /user/{userId}/filter
// selectors: (bluntly selecting on the unencrypted fields)
types: [ "m.*", "net.arasphere.*" ], // default: all
rooms: [ "!83wy7whi:matrix.org" ], // default: all
sender_ids: [ "@matthew:matrix.org" ], // default: all (e.g. for narrowing down presence, and stalker mode)
// XXX: do we want this per-query; is it valid to reuse it?
// we probably don't need this as querying per-event-ID will be a parameter from a seperate API,
// with its own seperate filter token & pagination semantics.
event_ids: [ "$192318719:matrix.org" ], // default: all - useful for selecting relates_to data for a given event
// parameters
// 'format' gives the desired shape of the response
// federation = include the federation layer as well as the raw content of events.
// events = the plain events
format: "federation",
// select specific specific fields of the event to be returned.
// N.B. you cannot guaranteeing filter content fields as they may be encrypted.
// e.g. selecting just event_id could be useful for doing server-side
// sorting/pagination/threading
select: [ "event_id", "origin_server_ts", "thread_id", "content", "content.body" ],
// include bundled child-event updates
bundle_updates: true,
// include bundled related events
bundle_relates_to: [
relationship: "in_reply_to",
// As this is an optimisation to avoid having to explicitly select/paginate the
// related messages per-message, we have to include a limit here as if we were
// actually executing the query per-message for the initial result set.
// Limit gives the number of related events to bundle; the bundled events return chunk tokens
// to let you seperately paginate on them.
limit: 10, // maximum number of related events to bundle in the results of this filtered result set.
ancestors: true, // include all ancestors (default: true)
descendents: true, // include all descendents (default: true)
<recursively include a filter definition here for the subset of events>
// need to support a sort criteria which reflects the linearised ordering of the relation graph
// server-side sorting, so we can paginate serverside on a thin client.
// N.B. we can only order by unencrypted fields.
// N.B. clients will need to handle out-of-order messages intelligently
// N.B. subset of things you're allowed to sort by may be arbitrarily
restricted by the server impl (XXX: capabilities?)
// Servers must support the "timeline" ordering - which is linearised logical chronological ordering.
// XXX: should this be done per-request rather than per-filter? Given streaming APIs (like eventStream)
// will be limited to sorting via timeline due to causality...
sort: [
// sort by sender, and then by the timeline
type: "sender_id",
dir: "asc", // default asc
type: "timeline",
dir: "asc",
200 OK
"filter_id": "583e98c2d983",
Global initial sync API
XXX: need much more concrete general API definition first
GET /initialSync
GET parameters::
limit: maximum number of events
<generic pagination parameters (per room)>
<some way of doing an incremental sync using streaming_tokens>
filter: filter_id (XXX: allow different filters per room?)
presence: true/false
compact: boolean (default false): factor out common events.
XXX: I *really* think this should be turned on by default --matthew
FIXME: example using v1 API just for compact proofing. Needs to be updated with streaming_token voodoo
200 OK
// where compact is false:
// XXX: does "end" die now?
"end": "s72595_4483_1934",
// global presence info. (XXX: should we only send content deltas if this is an delta initialsync - e.g. to avoid re-sending all avatar_urls?)
"presence": [{
"content": {
"avatar_url": "http://matrix.tp.mu:8008/_matrix/content/QG1hdHRoZXc6dHAubXUOeJQMWFMvUdqdeLovZKsyaOT.aW1hZ2UvanBlZw==.jpeg",
"displayname": "Matthew Hodgson",
"last_active_ago": 368200528,
"presence": "online",
"user_id": "@matthew:tp.mu"
"type": "m.presence"
"rooms": [{
"membership": "join",
"messages": {
"chunk": [{
"content": {
"avatar_url": "https://matrix.org/_matrix/content/QG1hdHRoZXc6bWF0cml4Lm9yZwxaesQWnqdynuXIYaRisFnZdG.aW1hZ2UvanBlZw==.jpeg",
"displayname": "Matthew",
"membership": "join"
"event_id": "$1417731086506PgoVf:matrix.org",
"membership": "join",
"origin_server_ts": 1417731086795,
"prev_content": {
"avatar_url": "https://matrix.org/_matrix/content/QG1hdHRoZXc6bWF0cml4Lm9yZwxaesQWnqdynuXIYaRisFnZdG.aW1hZ2UvanBlZw==.jpeg",
"displayname": "Ara4n",
"membership": "join"
"prev_state": [["$1416420706925RVAWP:matrix.org", {
"sha256": "zVzi02R5aeO2HQDnybu1XuuyR6yBG8utLE/i1Sv8eyA"
"room_id": "!KrLWMLDnZAyTapqLWW:matrix.org",
"state_key": "@matthew:matrix.org",
"type": "m.room.member",
"user_id": "@matthew:matrix.org"
"end": "s72595_4483_1934",
"start": "t67-41151_4483_1934"
"room_id": "!KrLWMLDnZAyTapqLWW:matrix.org",
"state": [{
"content": {
"avatar_url": "https://matrix.org/_matrix/content/QG1hdHRoZXc6bWF0cml4Lm9yZwxaesQWnqdynuXIYaRisFnZdG.aW1hZ2UvanBlZw==.jpeg",
"displayname": "Matthew",
"membership": "join"
"event_id": "$1417731086506PgoVf:matrix.org",
"membership": "join",
"origin_server_ts": 1417731086795,
"room_id": "!KrLWMLDnZAyTapqLWW:matrix.org",
"state_key": "@matthew:matrix.org",
"type": "m.room.member",
"user_id": "@matthew:matrix.org"
"visibility": "public"
// where compact is true:
"end": "s72595_4483_1934",
// global presence info
"presence": [{
"content": {
"avatar_url": "http://matrix.tp.mu:8008/_matrix/content/QG1hdHRoZXc6dHAubXUOeJQMWFMvUdqdeLovZKsyaOT.aW1hZ2UvanBlZw==.jpeg",
"displayname": "Matthew Hodgson",
"last_active_ago": 368200528,
"presence": "online",
"user_id": "@matthew:tp.mu"
"type": "m.presence"
"rooms": [{
"events": {
"$1417731086506PgoVf:matrix.org": {
"content": {
"avatar_url": "https://matrix.org/_matrix/content/QG1hdHRoZXc6bWF0cml4Lm9yZwxaesQWnqdynuXIYaRisFnZdG.aW1hZ2UvanBlZw==.jpeg",
"displayname": "Matthew",
"membership": "join"
"membership": "join",
"origin_server_ts": 1417731086795,
"prev_state": [["$1416420706925RVAWP:matrix.org", {
"sha256": "zVzi02R5aeO2HQDnybu1XuuyR6yBG8utLE/i1Sv8eyA"
"room_id": "!KrLWMLDnZAyTapqLWW:matrix.org",
"state_key": "@matthew:matrix.org",
"type": "m.room.member",
"user_id": "@matthew:matrix.org"
"membership": "join",
"messages": {
"chunk": [ "$1417731086506PgoVf:matrix.org" ],
"end": "s72595_4483_1934",
"start": "t67-41151_4483_1934"
"room_id": "!KrLWMLDnZAyTapqLWW:matrix.org",
"state": [ "$1417731086506PgoVf:matrix.org" ],
"visibility": "public"
Event Stream API
Room Creation API
Joining API
Scrollback API
Contextual windowing API
Room Alias API
Room Directory API
User Profile API
Provides arbitrary per-user global state JSON storage with namespaced keys,
some of which have specific predefined serverside semantics. Keys must be named
(we don't support POSTing to anonymous key names)
PUT /user/{userId}/data/m.displayname
PUT /user/{userId}/data/m.avatar_url
PUT /user/{userId}/data/m.contact_vcard
PUT /user/{userId}/data/net.arasphere.client.preferences
Account Management API
Actions API
Presence API
Typing API
Relates_to pagination API
Capabilities API